Clashing with the Kingdom of Darkness and Demons

When Jesus came to proclaim the Kingdom of God he was not doing so in neutral territory. In Satan’s view, Jesus was an intruder trying to encroach on his turf. A clash was inevitable.
Some people think there’s a devil under every bush (not true). Others think the devil doesn’t exist (also not true). As Christians we need to see things as they really are. The devil and his demons are not God. Even still, we live in a world where they are actively working against the Lord, his kingdom, and his people. And yet, many of us have not taken the demonic realm seriously. Are we victorious in Christ? Yes. But at the same time, we are often trying to navigate the battlefield of life with one eye shut.
This sermon continues a series on Mark and takes us through chapter 1, verses 16 to 39, exorcisms, and offers some suggestions to those for whom all of this is quite unsettling.
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