Family Devotional – Heroes

Since we have decided to cancel our worship services amidst the current COVID-19 epidemic and are only holding them via live stream, we recognize that watching a full worship service on YouTube might be difficult for some of our younger congregants.

Therefore, each week we will provide a ‘family devotional’ resource to be used either on Sunday morning, or another time through the week. This is something we have created ourselves.

This week it’s super simple!

For April 12 (Easter Sunday), it’s called “Heroes” and is in-step with Patrick Voo’s kids’ time message. It doesn’t require extra materials or set up time, and is simply to help you make family time quality time.

You can download it here or read it below: Family Devotional – Heroes – Westminster PC – 2020 04 12

1. Parent(s): Read this ahead of time to prepare
Jesus is the ultimate hero. He helps others and gives us hope. Plus, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, we can see other heroes in action as well. They are people who help others and give us hope.

This devotional is very simple. People with kids have a lot going on right now and it can be stressful. So for this family devotional, it’s all about making family time quality time.

2. Materials Needed
None! Well, actually, you’ll need to write (or print out) these three questions.
How has God given you help or hope today? (You may need to provide some examples to show what you mean)
Who is someone you’ve seen or heard about who is serving or helping others?
How did Jesus’ love make me do something differently today?

3. Activity
Take note of the three questions above and just use them as discussion starters throughout the day—maybe in the car, during dinner, or at bedtime… whenever!

Make family time quality time.


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