Welcome! Let me take us to the movies…
Forrest Gump said: “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.” And then this from Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz: “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Forrest reminds us that life is often uncertain. And Dorothy reminds us that things are changing all the time, taking us on new journeys, and bringing us to different places.
As you think about your own journey on the pathway of faith, be open to the possibilities before you. The world is changing and challenging. But there is real hope for a better world.
And know this: God’s plan for you is bigger than your view. My hope is that we can journey together, one prayer, song and act of kindness at a time.
Alive with the Holy Spirit, we are a Christ-centered, inter-generational church and teaching centre which responds to and reaches an ever-changing and challenging world.
On this page you’ll find a welcome message from our pastor, some commonly asked questions, what to expect when you arrive, and some other general information.
Look around and enjoy! If you have any questions just email our pastor, the Reverend Matthew Ruttan, and he’ll get back to you within a few days.
The service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Search for “WestminsterChurchOnline” when in YouTube.
The word “Presbyterian” means “of elders” or “governed by elders.” That simply refers to how churches like this one are overseen. 9 elders (elected from the congregation and by the congregation) meet monthly to oversee the work of the church. “Elder” does not refer to an age, but a recognized position of leadership.
Presbyterians are Christians who try to follow Jesus Christ. Traditionally they have emphasized the centrality of Jesus, the importance of the Bible, the importance of having a ‘thinking faith,’ an ethical life, and doing all to the glory of God.
Yes; there is a bright, welcoming nursery from 9:45 to 11am. Just head down the stairs at the back of the sanctuary. There is also a Sunday School divided into three age categories. The children stay in the service for the first 15 minutes, and then come to the front after about 15 minutes for “Kids Time” with the pastor. After that, they go downstairs for Sunday School.
The worship style is blended. That means that the music isn’t just one style, but a thoughtful combination of more modern praise songs and traditional hymns.
So you’ll sing songs like In Christ Alone and 10,000 Reasons, but also How Great Thou Art and What A Friend We Have in Jesus.
The words to everything are up on a screen so it’s easy to follow along. A choir helps lead us in song.
There are prayers, a Bible reading, a financial offering, and a message by our pastor that connects God’s wisdom with the realities we face in our modern lives.
People have described the service as warm, welcoming, inspiring, and helpful.
When you arrive, there are two doors. One goes right into the sanctuary. Someone will give you a bulletin which shows you what happens during the service.
You can also go in the door closest to the road. Someone will also greet you there with a bulletin, and a smile!
If you have kids, they will tell you that there is a kids’ time about 15 minutes into the service. At that point, the pastor will invite the kids forward to have a short lesson with him. Then they go down to Sunday School with the teachers. If you’re new and want to stay with them so that they’re comfortable, that’s okay too!
If you have a baby, you’ll also be told about the nursery. It’s down the stairs at the back of the sanctuary. It’s a bright room with toys and is staffed with cheerful, helpful volunteers.
Let’s worship God together!
Westminster - Where we welcomed the Holy Spirit into our lives, were given peace, and also the strength to cope with illness.
I was looking for a biblically based church with some liturgy. I also wanted to see that the Holy Spirit was active. That's what I found at Westminster.
“As soon as I came I felt the warmth. And what happens during the service always encourages me and somehow speaks to me for the coming week.”
As for me and my house, Westminster has become a place of peace, a place of learning, and a place of development.
The Spirit is definitely at work in this place. Westminster is a great place for families with children of all ages to feel welcome and to grow.
Westminster - Where we welcomed the Holy Spirit into our lives, were given peace, and also the strength to cope with illness.
I was looking for a biblically based church with some liturgy. I also wanted to see that the Holy Spirit was active. That's what I found at Westminster.
We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit! You’ll find a list of commonly asked questions. Please don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at (705) 728-0541
You can find our location on the map to the right.
There are two large parking lots, one in the front and one in the back.
Some people wear golf shirts, and some wear ties. So just come comfortably but respectably dressed. That should be a good guide!
Sundays at 10:01am
Westminster Presbyterian Church
170 Steel Street
Barrie, ON L4M 2G4
True greatness is humble faithfulness
Pastor Ruttan