Small Groups

We have a small groups program at Westminster. It is a place where, once a week, people gather for an hour and a half to talk more deeply about the pastor’s Sunday message and Bible passage.

In response to COVID-19, the groups have been meeting, very successfully, on Zoom. But as we emerge from the pandemic, some will be in-person after the summer break.

At each session, trained discussion leaders take the group through a discussion based on the previous Sunday’s sermon.

The evening also includes a time of prayer. Participants find these small groups to be very encouraging.

It truly is the place to go if you want to grow.

If you want to learn more, small groups (called “Vine Groups” at Westminster) have their own webpage.

You can read more here about our current session, and also see a short video that explains the process.

The church also offers, from time to time, specific studies.  Complete form below for more information on what is coming up.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Thursday morning Bible study provides an opportunity for in-depth reading of the Bible in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. It is taught by the Reverend Claude Cox.

We have read through many books of the Gospel including Mark, Revelation, Isaiah 40-55, 1 Corinthians, Ruth, John, and have also done a “whistle-stop” trip through some of the world religions. Attendance runs between eight and fifteen – a small enough number that everyone can actively participate.

We meet in the church library, a sunny, bright spot, very congenial for us. Our meeting time is 11-12, so every other week it follows the morning social. Rev. Ruttan teaches when Rev. Cox is away. This is a democratic group, so we do what the group as a whole wants to do.

Prayer Group

Many people pray individually and regularly. This is wonderful.

The prayer group is a time of prayer at Westminster on Monday afternoons from 1-2pm in the sanctuary.

We pray together as a group, and with intercessory prayer (praying on behalf of others).

As it states in Matthew 18: 20, “For where two or three are gathered in my Name, I am there among them.”

Consider attending this weekly time with God. If you are unable, consider joining us from wherever you are at that same time in prayer to the Lord. An internet prayer chain is in effect at Westminster.

If you have questions please speak with Mandy Hillyard who is the leader of the group.

Stitch and Chatter

Stitch and Chatter is a women’s mission group who meets once a month on the second Wednesday. We support Mustard Seed, the Leprosy Mission, the Westminster Care Fund and Youth Haven, a local Christian organization.

During our gatherings we clip stamps to make additional funds for the Leprosy Mission. Each meeting has a devotional and a light lunch, after which we close with the Irish Blessing.

Occasionally we also host guest speakers. We have a potluck luncheon in December in June.

Friday Morning Social

The Friday Morning Social is a gathering that happens every Friday morning at the Church from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

It is a great way for people in the congregation to become better acquainted and for people in the community to socialize. Please join us for some coffee, cake and conversation.

We love making new friends.


Interested in learning about any of our adult ministries and programs?  Please complete the form below, submit and we will be back to you as soon as possible.


Sunday Service - Oct. 27, 2024