The Word At Westminster

Welcome to our (new!) podcast called The Word at Westminster. It’s all about learning and living God’s word.

It includes talks, studies, interviews, sermons and more from Westminster Church in Barrie, Canada.

You can listen and subscribe wherever you enjoy podcasts: iTunes (Apple), Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon Music or Audible.

We’d like to thank Kristin Stouffer for the logo design!

Here are the most recent episodes:

RSS Latest Podcasts

  • How spiritual disciplines help you love others – a talk with Jeff Loach October 24, 2024
  • Why was I born? (Sermon) October 21, 2024
    Are we here by chance, or is there a greater purpose? Many people have tried to answer this question. Some people aren’t sure, despair, or throw their hands up in resignation. Fortunately, Jesus isn’t one of them. The light of the world has things to say about who we are and why we’re here. This […]
  • Our Big Brother Jesus (Sermon) October 14, 2024
    When I was in elementary school a kid kept pestering me—that is, until my big brother came to my defense. I felt… protected. There are a lot of titles for Jesus — like Son of God, Saviour, and Good Shepherd. Each one tells us something about him and the nature of our relationship. Another (frequently […]
  • ‘He Paid Our Debt’ – An illustration to appreciate Jesus’ sacrifice October 10, 2024
    This short episode is the youth time from the service on October 6, 2024. Pastor Ruttan tells a story from Philip Yancey’s book ‘What’s so amazing about grace?’ It was used to help us appreciate Jesus’ sacrifice that we remember when we celebrate Communion.
  • Salvation Before Reputation (Sermon) October 7, 2024
    Jesus’ own family called him crazy. “He’s out of his mind.” But why? He had gathered and led crowds, assembled twelve apostles, healed suffering people, expelled demons from the oppressed, preached about the kingdom of God, and challenged religious authorities. Even though some of those things sound pretty nice, when compared to expectations of ‘normal’ […]
  • Defend your faith by knowing your faith (Sermon) September 29, 2024
    We live in a time when in North America fewer people identify as Christians. We have the stats to prove it. But people aren’t simply becoming apathetic, many are becoming increasingly hostile and antagonistic towards faith. Do you know what to say when someone challenges you? Jesus experienced challenges and confrontations on multiple occasions. This […]
  •  Eden isn’t just in the past (Sermon) September 22, 2024
    Most people tend to think of miracles as some sort of break in the natural order. Jurgen Moltmann has a helpful corrective: “Miracles are not an interruption of the natural order but the restoration of the natural order.” In other words, when Jesus performs miracles he is showing us how things are truly meant to […]
  • Clashing with the Kingdom of Darkness and Demons (Sermon) September 15, 2024
    When Jesus came to proclaim the Kingdom of God he was not doing so in neutral territory. In Satan’s view, Jesus was an intruder trying to encroach on his turf. A clash was inevitable. Some people think there’s a devil under every bush (not true). Others think the devil doesn’t exist (also not true). As […]
  • ‘Think Bigger’ (Sermon) September 9, 2024
    We’ve seen it happen in movies and books over and over again. When all seems lost, a hero arrives, hope is rekindled, victory becomes possible, and everything changes for those who belong to the hero. This is a part of the reason why these movies or books are so interesting. We wonder, ‘If only we […]
  • The Way Up is Down (Sermon) September 1, 2024
    What do you want to be successful at? It is something to do with your career, family, relationships or a personal goal? There are different understandings of “success.” Make no mistake about it: our society’s definition is certainly different from God’s. But which are you driving toward? This sermon looks at the direct and down-to-earth […]
  • ‘Enjoy your streams’ (Sermon) August 27, 2024
    In Pastor Ruttan’s absence (he is away on vacation), Claude Cox led us in a message titled ‘Enjoy your streams’. The scripture focus was Psalm 1.
  • R.O.L.A.I.D.S. (Sermon) August 19, 2024
    In Pastor Ruttan’s absence (he is away on vacation), Cathy Clark will led us in a message titled ‘R.O.L.A.I.D.S. – Timeless relief from anxiety for our contemporary age’. The scripture focus was Isaiah 43:1-4 & Mark 14:32-36.
  • ‘The Narrow Path’ (Sermon) August 11, 2024
    In Pastor Ruttan’s absence (for his annual summer vacation), Jeff Walther led us in a message titled ‘The Narrow Path – ‘, with a focus on Matthew 7: 13-14.
  • The Gateway to the Kingdom of God August 7, 2024
    In Pastor Ruttan’s absence (for his annual summer vacation), Paul Sakasov led us in a message titled ‘The Gateway to the Kingdom of God’, with a focus on the Beatitudes from Matthew’s Gospel.
  • Giving up good things for great things (Sermon) July 29, 2024
    Following Jesus means making sacrifices — and that can be difficult, and sometimes painful. That is bound to happen when we make God’s kingdom our number one priority. But to truly understand sacrifice, we need to count not only the costs, but the benefits. When we think through not only what we’re giving up, but […]
  • 10 Unpopular things Jesus said July 24, 2024
    This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 was 10 popular things Jesus said. In Part 2 I look at 10 un-popular things he said. His words are full of inspiration and hope! — and also challenge and warning. All of them are true. Let’s do some thinking: Do we like following a certain version […]
  • Playing the Long Game in a World of Now Now Now (Sermon) July 22, 2024
    In an era before viral videos and mass communication, Ezekiel did some wild and jaw-dropping things. He laid on his side for over 14 months prophesying against Jerusalem while only eating food rations cooked over dung. He later shared a vision of a valley of bones coming back to life, growing skin, and re-constituting a […]
  • The Intel Report No.2 – ‘Demons, Possession & Exorcism’ July 18, 2024
    The Intel Report is a fairly new initiative. Every so often an interview or talk with be featured that presents a big idea from the world. “Intel” means “intelligence.” The “front” is a reference the “front lines” of a battle. These topics will cover a range of ideas but are meant to equip you as […]
  • May Integrity and Uprightness Protect Me (Sermon) July 17, 2024
    How do we protect ourselves from threats? How do we stay safe, not only for ourselves but for those we care about? In answering these questions we often think of things like locks on our doors, safety bunkers, surveillance cameras or first-aid kits. In this sermon on Psalm 25 we explore one of the most […]
  • Never Outnumbered (Sermon) July 17, 2024
    It’s a story of intrigue and mystery. The King of Syria wants to hunt down the powerful prophet Elisha. Physically speaking, Elisha is outnumbered. That’s when we get a glimpse into the unseen spiritual realm and discover the real numbers: there are horses and chariots of fire all around the mountain ready for action. Even […]