Alpha Online

In July 2020 we ran Alpha Online.  It’s a program that has been running in Canada for over 20 years.  Now, the entire experience has moved online so we can share it with people where they are.  Each week the conversation lasted 90 minutes and sessions ran for 8 weeks.

Stay tuned for future opportunities.

What is it all about?

Here is the information that was provided before the previous session:

Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. Each session offers hospitality, a talk, and space to discuss and ask questions.  It is designed for people without a church background or who wouldn’t call themselves a Christian. It’s an opportunity to invite friends to hear the Gospel (potentially for the first time) and explore a relationship with Jesus.

Things you can do today;

  • Attend:  If you are ready, register to attend yourself. Even if you’re not new to Christianity, it is a great place to broaden your understanding.
  • Invite: Start praying about who God may be calling you to invite to attend with you or on their own.
  • Pray: Please pray for the volunteers, the guests who are going to attend, etc.

Watch this short video to get some more information about Alpha!  Share this video with people you know who might be interested in attending.