Jun 2017
Westminster’s “Orange Idea” is a monthly, family-friendly, 1-page resource to help you live out your faith at home. But what is “Orange,” you might ask? As Julie and Matthew explained, it’s not just a colour—it’s a way of thinking: Yellow represents the light of Jesus shared by the church. Red represents the blood and bond of the family. So when you put Yellow and Red together you get… Orange! So......
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Why telling your kids you “fall” in (and out) of love can mess with their heads
“We fell in love.” I’ve said it. Maybe you have too. It almost makes you think of Cupid popping out from behind a cloud and harpooning some people with a magical love dart, knocking...
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The accusation I never want my future tech-savvy kids to make
The internet is more than the elephant in the room. It’s the Godzilla that ate the room with the elephant in it. (The elephant was TV.) It’s that big. And hairy. Let’s take stock. It...
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When a parent dies too soon. 3 people share what they miss most and the advice they’d give everyone else.
It was a shock when my dad died when he was 64. As I said at his funeral, I was happy we had that time together because many people don’t get near that long....
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Learn about your family heritage (and God’s amazing creation) – March’s Orange Idea
Westminster’s “Orange Idea” is a monthly, family-friendly, 1-page resource to help you live out your faith at home. But what is “Orange,” you might ask? As Julie and Matthew explained, it’s not just a colour—it’s...
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The lesson my kids have to keep teaching me
If you’re like me and have young children, it can be easy to think you have it all figured out. We can pronounce “hyperbole,” play videos on a machine the size of our hand,...
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Why letting your kids struggle is good parenting
The opposite of good parenting is doing the easy thing in the short term. Now don’t get me wrong. There’s a certain parenting high when we just “let kids be kids,” stay up late,...
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Spread Joy – November’s Orange Idea
Westminster’s “Orange Idea” is a monthly, family-friendly, 1-page resource to help you live out your faith at home. But what is “Orange,” you might ask? As Julie and Matthew explained, it’s not just a colour—it’s...
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How to quickly become the perfect husband and improve your wife’s life without changing anything you’re already doing
You’re right. There is NO way I can deliver on a title like that! So yes, it’s a bit misleading. But I did it for a good reason: If you think you can “become...
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The Jar of Thanks – October’s Orange Idea
Westminster’s “Orange Idea” is a monthly, family-friendly, 1-page resource to help you live out your faith at home. But what is “Orange,” you might ask? Well, it’s not just a colour—it’s a way of...
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