Help sponsor a family of 6 and 2 youths this Christmas!
by Westminster
In coordination with the Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions Holiday Program, Westminster is sponsoring a local family in need, and two separate youths for Christmas. What a great way to help and serve!
We are sponsoring a young couple who has 3 small children, ages 1 – 4, and have taken in a 4th child to care for full time. They struggle to raise their family on one minimum wage income, and a partner with health issues.
The youth assigned to us are 2 young women. One is 18 and plans to attend college in January. The other is 19 and is currently homeless. She lives day to day in various locations, and is in need of warm clothing in particular.
The Giving Tree
To help ensure they have a wonderful Christmas experience at a difficult time, please choose a card(s) from our “Giving Tree” at the front of the sanctuary. [It will be there beginning on Sunday, November 25th.] On that card there is an item you can purchase towards our family’s wish list, or the wish list from either of the two youth.
What to do next
Only take a card(s) from the Giving Tree if you are certain you will be able to make your purchase and return it to the church on or by December 9th so it can get to the family on time for Christmas.
When returning your purchase please tape your original card to the item. Please also attach gift receipts if applicable, separate for each item. Also, ALL gifts should be unwrapped.
What a great way to contribute to someone’s experience of Christmas at a difficult time, and what a great way to serve!
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