Sunday is the second Sunday in Lent – a time of preparation and spiritual focus leading up to Easter. [For our fun Lent trivia that was shared this past Sunday, follow this link]
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion. You will be given a small plastic cup with bread when you come in, and a small juice cup when you take your seat. We will celebrate the Sacrament right after the opening song (while our young people are still with us). (Please see the separate announcement about talking with young people about the meaning of Communion.)
During the service we will explore Jesus’ trial in John 18. Jesus tells Pilate that his kingdom “is not of this world.” What does that mean, and what does it mean for Christians today to belong to (and advocate for) a kingdom that is “not of this world”?
There will be Sunday School ministry and nursery care. We will sing and pray together, have fellowship, and reflect on our almighty and sustaining God.
The service is at 10:01 am in-person and online via YouTube.