Sunday Service – August 2nd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Soul Fatigue? - This Sunday, August 2nd at 10:01am we will gather digitally to honour the Lord—our strengthening and comforting God! (You can access our live-stream here.) We will sing, pray and grow in God’s word. Jenn Harris (our Music Director) and Pastor Ruttan will share some special music together. And for the message we will introduce the idea of “Soul Fatigue.” Maybe you don’t know what that is—or do you? There is a kind of heart and brain exhaustion that many people are experiencing as we navigate a new (and often unsettling, different, and changing) reality. Pastor Ruttan's message responds to this by exploring Jesus’ words to give “rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29). What does he mean, and how?  Go here for Sermon Notes to accompany this week's message. Let’s re-orient ourselves in worship, and in the rest and renewal that only God can give.