Faith Under Pressure

Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent! It is a time of preparation and spiritual focus leading up to Easter. It is fitting, therefore, that our sermon series continues with Jesus being betrayed and handed over to the guards in the Garden of Gethsemane. We will explore John 18: 1-18 and what our own faith is like when it is under stress and duress. There will be Sunday School ministry (now divided into three age groups) and nursery care. We will sing and pray together, have fellowship, and reflect on the power of God. The service is at 10:01 am in-person and online via YouTube. After the service we will also have our annual meeting. (See separate announcement.) The worship service will conclude by 11:15am, there will be a 10 minute break, and then the meeting will begin at 11:30am for those who would like to stay and participate.