Sunday Service – Dec.3, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Advent begins! This is the four-week period leading up to Christmas. Advent means “coming,” and refers to the coming of Christ—not only at Christmas, but for his return. It is a season of anticipation and preparation. We will light the candle of hope, be blessed by special music, and celebrate the Sacrament of Communion. (See separate announcement for our procedure.) The teaching will be the second last instalment of the ‘Beginning is Nigh’ series. 2nd Thessalonians 2 is a dramatic chapter: Paul discusses ‘the rebellion,’ the ‘man of lawlessness,’ and standing firm as we await Jesus’ return. It is a text which is perfectly on-point for Advent. There will be Sunday School provided by thoughtful, helpful teachers, and loving nursery care. Let’s honour the Lord together. The service begins at 10:01am.  

Sunday Service – March 3, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we share the Sacrament of Communion. This will happen in the last half of the service (and our young people will rejoin the wider group in the sanctuary when this happens). Jesus said: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Through The Lord’s Supper, we are spiritually nourished by Christ himself. (See separate announcement for teaching children about the meaning of Communion.) Pastor Ruttan will teach through Esther 8. Things are getting very messy in ancient Persia! And yet, God continues to work in less-than-ideal circumstances (both then and now). If you’re in a position to do so, you can share a financial offering (in person or digitally) for our Deacon’s Fund—a fund which exists to help people who are struggling either inside or outside the congregation. Many people have been helped in practical ways by this fund through the years. This is something we do every time we celebrate Communion. Just mark your gift ‘Deacon’s Fund.’ Volunteers will teach and bless our children, take care of them in the nursery, prepare coffee and snacks, usher or work behind the scenes, and pray for you! Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.

Maundy Thursday Service – 7 p.m.

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

MARCH 28 at 7 PM: Maundy Thursday In this 40-minute service we will remember Jesus’ new commandment to ‘love one another’. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13:34). Candles will be distributed as you enter (like on Christmas Eve) and we will do some singing in the dark. We will also celebrate Communion. You will be invited forward to receive the bread and juice. Please Note: There is no Sunday School or nursery care on this evening.

Sunday Service – June 2, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

June 2nd is Anniversary Sunday! We will celebrate The Lord’s Supper (Communion), give thanks for Westminster’s 62 years of ministry, and have some cake! Pastor Ruttan will depart from the Colossians series to share a message about being the hands and feet of Christ today Luke 8:4-15. We will benefit from Sunday School ministry, nursery care, and encourage one another with prayer, music and conversation.