Latest Past Events

Sunday Service – Feb. 4, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday we worship the Lord as the body of Christ together. Next week we will begin a new series on the book of Esther. But first, a message of encouragement and comfort on the theme of ‘assurance.’ Am I a genuine follower of Jesus? Are God’s promises really for me? There are times when we can doubt our own faith. ‘Assurance’ is the confidence God gives us when we have been adopted into his family. Pastor Ruttan will share several ‘assurances’ to strengthen your confidence. We will worship, pray, praise and learn a new song called “Only a Holy God.” What an uplifter! Diligent and caring volunteers will lead Sunday School, provide nursery care, and facilitate fellowship time after the service. Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Sunday Service – January 14, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday we will praise God! It’s what we were made to do. We will sing and pray, learn from scripture, and support one another as the body of Christ. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. As a part of the service we will hear some faith statements by people who are becoming professing members of the congregation. Pastor Ruttan will also give some teaching about ‘spiritual gifts 101.’ Every Christian has at least one “spiritual gift” that God has given them to use for his purposes in the world. What are they and how do you know? Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

On your Lips and in your Hearts

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

While Pastor Ruttan is finishing his Christmas holiday, William Min, our new Coordinator of Youth and Outreach will lead the service and share a sermon on keeping Christ, not only in our hearts, but on our lips as we look towards the New Year. Faith in Christ is evidence not only by what we believe in our hearts (our private lives) but also in the words of our lips (our public life). The text will focus on Romans 10 : 5-13. Sunday school resumes and Nursery Care will be available. The service will be both in-person and live-streamed to our YouTube channel (search @westminsterchurchonline). Service begins at 10:01 a.m. We look forward to coming together in worship with you. Fellowship to follow with refreshments and treats.