Sunday Service – March 3, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we share the Sacrament of Communion. This will happen in the last half of the service (and our young people will rejoin the wider group in the sanctuary when this happens). Jesus said: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Through The Lord’s Supper, we are spiritually nourished by Christ himself. (See separate announcement for teaching children about the meaning of Communion.) Pastor Ruttan will teach through Esther 8. Things are getting very messy in ancient Persia! And yet, God continues to work in less-than-ideal circumstances (both then and now). If you’re in a position to do so, you can share a financial offering (in person or digitally) for our Deacon’s Fund—a fund which exists to help people who are struggling either inside or outside the congregation. Many people have been helped in practical ways by this fund through the years. This is something we do every time we celebrate Communion. Just mark your gift ‘Deacon’s Fund.’ Volunteers will teach and bless our children, take care of them in the nursery, prepare coffee and snacks, usher or work behind the scenes, and pray for you! Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.

Sunday Service – Mar.10, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, March 10th we will hear the final installment of our series on the book of Esther. Pastor Ruttan will take us through chapters 9-10, share some thoughts about armed conflict and how this does (or doesn’t) relate to stories like Esther, and encourage us to identify the big picture providence of God working in the lives of his people. We will be blessed by song, we will pray together, there will be Sunday School and nursery care, and we will share fellowship and, of course, some snacks. Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.

Sunday Service – Mar.17, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, March 17th, Pastor Ruttan is away on vacation and our Coordinator of Youth and Outreach, William Min, will be leading the service. William will be looking at the story of how Jesus resurrects Lazarus from the dead and how it is one of 4 Messianic miracles. He will focus on how we will soon be wrapping up Lent as we look towards Easter in a couple of weeks… and the resurrection hope we have in Jesus, which leads us to repentance, because He IS the resurrection, the truth, and the life. We will be blessed by song, we will pray together, there will be Sunday School and nursery care, and we will share fellowship and, of course, some snacks. Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.

Sunday Service – May 5, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

“How Great Thou Art!” It’s a powerful and inspiring hymn for the ages. It speaks a great truth and God and is also a great way to start a worship service – and so we will this Sunday. There will be helpful Sunday School classes, loving nursery care, as well as fellowship and encouragement. We will sing, pray, serve and be lifted up. Pastor Ruttan will focus on one of the most uplifting (and still mysterious) verses in Colossians: that “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The wider text will be Colossians 1:24 - 2:5.

Plant Sale by Stitch and Chatter – May 25

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our church is holding it's annual plant sale on the morning of Sat. May 25. The sale begins at 10 AM and runs until 2/2:30 depending on how quickly we sell out. All plants are donated by our generous members. Join us to pick up some flowers, veggies or greens for your garden while supporting our mission projects. For those who are donating plants for the sale (thank you!), they can be brought in on the morning of the sale between 9 and 10 a.m. Thank you for your generous support in our mission work. Follow the link below to see our Facebook event and click 'Going' if you'll be joining us!