Latest Past Events

Sunday Service – January 14, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday we will praise God! It’s what we were made to do. We will sing and pray, learn from scripture, and support one another as the body of Christ. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. As a part of the service we will hear some faith statements by people who are becoming professing members of the congregation. Pastor Ruttan will also give some teaching about ‘spiritual gifts 101.’ Every Christian has at least one “spiritual gift” that God has given them to use for his purposes in the world. What are they and how do you know? Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Sunday Service – Dec.3, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

Advent begins! This is the four-week period leading up to Christmas. Advent means “coming,” and refers to the coming of Christ—not only at Christmas, but for his return. It is a season of anticipation and preparation. We will light the candle of hope, be blessed by special music, and celebrate the Sacrament of Communion. (See separate announcement for our procedure.) The teaching will be the second last instalment of the ‘Beginning is Nigh’ series. 2nd Thessalonians 2 is a dramatic chapter: Paul discusses ‘the rebellion,’ the ‘man of lawlessness,’ and standing firm as we await Jesus’ return. It is a text which is perfectly on-point for Advent. There will be Sunday School provided by thoughtful, helpful teachers, and loving nursery care. Let’s honour the Lord together. The service begins at 10:01am.  

Adult Choir and Music Rehearsal

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Thursday evenings our Adult Choir, known as the ‘Westminster Singers’, along with any musicians joining us, gather in the sanctuary of the church with our Music Director, Nena LaMarre, to rehearse the music for that coming Sunday. All are welcome. If you have questions or are interested in joining, please contact Nena at play88rogerscom. ***Please note that these events auto-populate and will not likely reflect cancellations. Nena will be in touch if any changes arise. If it is your first time attending, please be in touch with Nena to confirm that the event is still running.