Latest Past Events

Sunday Service – March 24, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday, March 24th, Pastor Ruttan is away on vacation and our Coordinator of Youth and Outreach, William Min, will be leading the service. This is Palm Sunday. You will receive a Palm as you enter for the service. We will look at the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, some of the cultural context around its timing, and how Jesus seldom works according to our expectations and desires, but counterintuitively does God’s incredibly work through His faithfulness. We will be blessed by song, through our music ministry, led by our Music Director, Nena LaMarre, and we will pray together. There will also be Sunday School and nursery care, led by caring and dedicated members of our congregation. There will be a free Soup and Bun lunch following the service in our fellowship hall. We encourage everyone to join in. We are blessed with kitchen volunteers who regularly give their hearts to the mission of organizing, shopping, cooking, baking and preparing treats, refreshments and meals for our congregation to share in. Let’s worship together on this Palm Sunday, as we prepare our hearts for our coming Easter Services.

Sunday Service – Mar.10, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday, March 10th we will hear the final installment of our series on the book of Esther. Pastor Ruttan will take us through chapters 9-10, share some thoughts about armed conflict and how this does (or doesn’t) relate to stories like Esther, and encourage us to identify the big picture providence of God working in the lives of his people. We will be blessed by song, we will pray together, there will be Sunday School and nursery care, and we will share fellowship and, of course, some snacks. Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.

Sunday Service – Feb. 4, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie

On Sunday we worship the Lord as the body of Christ together. Next week we will begin a new series on the book of Esther. But first, a message of encouragement and comfort on the theme of ‘assurance.’ Am I a genuine follower of Jesus? Are God’s promises really for me? There are times when we can doubt our own faith. ‘Assurance’ is the confidence God gives us when we have been adopted into his family. Pastor Ruttan will share several ‘assurances’ to strengthen your confidence. We will worship, pray, praise and learn a new song called “Only a Holy God.” What an uplifter! Diligent and caring volunteers will lead Sunday School, provide nursery care, and facilitate fellowship time after the service. Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.