Worship July 10, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday at 10:01am we'll gather in person to praise the only One who is worthy of our ultimate devotion -- Jesus! We will enjoy a video review of our Vacation Bible Camp, pray together, welcome Carolyn Trott to lead us in music, and be blessed by Sunday School ministry. Pastor Ruttan will resume our series through John's Gospel with a sermon on John 7:1-24. Jesus says: "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment." What does that mean? Is it ever appropriate to judge? What is the difference between being judgmental and having judgment, and how does any of this build others up? That's what we'll explore. There will also be a live-stream of the service on YouTube. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship July 17, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Do you feel like we are entering into a new time, a new era? If so, you're not alone. Things are changing on a very big scale, globally. But we are not totally done the previous era, and have not totally arrived at this new era. Right now we seem to be in a gray zone. Mark Sayers thinks that for many people it will be an era of increased uncertainty, increased anxiety and increased complexity. On Sunday July 17 Pastor Ruttan will explain more, and also how John 7:25-52 orients us for what we need to know to navigate this gray zone, and this massive uncertainty and change. We will again welcome Carolyn Trott to help with music leadership, there will be Sunday School, and we will sing, pray, open our Bibles, and encourage one another on the pilgrim way! The service is at 10:01am in person and online. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship July 24, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Grace opens doors. Don't hands open doors or automatic push buttons? Well, yes. But this is about hearts, minds, priorities and faith. The famous story of the woman caught in adultery will be the theme for Sunday. From it comes Jesus' famous statement: "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." On Sunday our nursery care also reopens! There will be Sunday School, Fellowship Time after the service, and we will welcome Nena LaMarre who will help lead us in music. We will pray big prayers and have our eyes drawn upwards into the hope of God. Join us in person or online Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship July 31, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This Sunday, July 31, 2022 (10:01am) that is our main text. It was also our memory verse from last month. It's a famous saying. Light is good; darkness is bad. But what does light represent? What about darkness? How do you follow light? This is what we'll explore. We will have Sunday School (and nursery care!) and will welcome Nena LaMarre to again help with music. We praise, we pray, we ARE the body of Christ together. Join us in person or online Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

We Remember Jon Macklem

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

We recently announced the passing of Jon Macklem. Jon died on July 19th after a difficult battle with cancer. He had a vibrant faith, was a hard worker, and had a big heart for the people around him! Jon and Ann became a part of the Westminster family in 2017. You can read Jon's full obituary by clicking here. A memorial service will be held at the church on Sat. Aug. 6 at 1:30pm with a time of fellowship to follow. Please note that as per provincial regulations, masks are now optional indoors at Westminster. If you are unable to attend in person, you can tune in to the service live online on our YouTube channel here. Let’s honour God and remember Jon well, giving thanks for his life and that he is now in the presence of his faithful Friend and Saviour!

Worship Sunday August 7

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

"The truth will set you free." Yes, it's another of Jesus' famous statements. They are plastered over courthouses and libraries. But what do they mean? Free from what? And why were his words so controversial to people who thought they already had it all together? That's what we'll explore on Sunday as we look at John 8:31-38. We also welcome back Music Director Jenn Harris after her vacation! We will sing to God, pray together, learn a new memory verse, have Sunday School ministry, nursery care, and fellowship time. God's people honour God! Please join us online or in person at 10:01 a.m. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Gardeners Needed!

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

“Once again we need to weed, trim, and mulch our gardens. All helping hands will be welcome Saturday August 13th. from 9:30 to 12 noon. Thank you to all your previous work as our gardens are improving. Please let the office (705-728-0541 / office@westminsterpc.ca) or myself know (705-737-1941) if you would like to help. Judy”

Worship Sunday August 14, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

We are meant to become like Christ, meant to become God's hope for the world. This Sunday August 14th, Henna Kim will lead our service. She will show how this is the meaning of our lives and the purpose of our ministry. Trust that being transformed into Christlikeness is already happening in us, and will be perfectly finished when Jesus returns. We will sing to God, pray together, have Sunday School ministry, nursery care, and fellowship time. So, let us be bold, take the freedom in Christ and trust the Holy Spirit in us. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship Sunday August 21, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

So many of us worry and fret, losing sleep and are anxious about everything.  But there is good news!! The bible says "Fear Not" again and again. Join guest speaker Jeff Walther as he leads our service and shares a sermon entitled "Don't Worry. Be Faithful." Inspired by Philippians 4: 4 - 7 and a popular song, "Don't Worry. Be Happy." by singer/musician/composer Bobby McFerrin in 1988.  We will sing, pray, enjoy Sunday School and Nursery care, Fellowship time and worship the living God together. Let's see how our faith can set us free. Please join us online or in person at 10:01 a.m. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship Sunday August 28, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

If you're on the road of life, it's smart to pay attention to the signs.  They're everywhere.  And they are there for some very good reasons. Join Jeff Walther on Sunday as he leads us through worship and leads us in reading these signs. We will sing, pray, enjoy Sunday School and Nursery care, Fellowship time and worship the living God together. Let's follow the signs and worship the Light together. Please join us online or in person at 10:01 a.m. Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.