Good Friday – April 2, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Join us live on YouTube for an online only Good Friday service. Tune in at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube.

Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

We celebrate the resurrection of Christ -- our sure and certain hope and victory! At 10:01am EST we will worship online with special music, singing, prayers, God's word, and some special contributions from the congregation. The darker the world gets, the brighter the Light shines. Be sure to share our YouTube channel and information with your friends and family! Join us at 10:01 a.m. on live stream only.

Sunday Service – April 11, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday, April 11th at 10:01am EST we will worship the God of resurrection! Pastor Ruttan will teach about the Road to Emmaus and experiencing the resurrected Jesus, and will be joined by Henna Kim, our new small groups and home church coordinator, to help with parts of the service. We will sing together, pray and be strengthened in God's hope. We will also hear about a new faith-at-home focus on prayer and be blessed by a new "Can I get a withness?" testimony. Let's honour the living Lord together.   Join us at 10:01 a.m. (EST) live on YouTube Only

Sunday Service – April 18, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday, April 18th at 10:01 a.m. (EST) we worship together the Living Lord There are times when the obstacles in our lives feel enormous ... and we don't have the know-how, energy or the willpower to change things for the better. The good news is that God wants you to know that He has a better story ahead for you, and that when you stand side-by-side with Him you are part of an overwhelming majority! Join us Sunday as Pastor Patrick Voo leads our worship, we join in a new favourite hymn and hear about a new special project! Join us at 10:01 a.m. (EST) online only

Sunday Service – April 25, 2021

Pre Recorded on YouYube

If Jesus were to ask you directly, "What do you want me to do for you?" how would you respond? Be honest. That's what Pastor Ruttan will explore during worship this Sunday, April 25th. We will go through Luke 18:35-43, sing, worship, pray, learn a fun new faith-at-home focus, enjoy a new favourite hymn, and call on our God of mercy for help in times of need. Technical note: The service will be delivered in a bit of a different format: it will be uploaded at 9:50am to our YouTube channel.   Join us at 10:01 a.m. (EDT) online only

Sunday May 2, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Sunday, May 2nd we return to our live-stream format at 10:01am on YouTube. We will praise God with song, pray, and by learning from his word. We will also welcome several new members (virtually) who will share faith statements about their believe in Jesus as Messiah! We will have a new Bible memorization verse. Pastor Ruttan's text is Luke 8:1-15, the well-known (and jam-packed) parable of the sower. How do we ensure God's word isn't taken from us by Satan, or that we aren't led astray? How does God's word take root and produce a crop? Join us live on YouTube.

Sunday May 9, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

We praise and call on God for his help, hope and persevering power this Sun. May 9th at 10:01am EST on the live-stream. We will give thanks to mothers on Mother's Day, offer prayers and sing to God. Pastor Ruttan will provide some teaching about the church-wide day of fasting and prayer for our hospital, care homes and health care workers for May 13, and will preach on Luke 24:36-49. What does it mean to be a "witness" in a realistic and faithful way, and what guidance does God give us in the process? Join us online only via live - stream YouTube

Sunday May 16, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday is Ascension Sunday. Huh? We talk about Christmas and Easter, but not the Ascension. On Sunday that changes. We celebrate the risen Jesus assuming his place as Lord and King of the universe at the right hand of our heavenly Father (and talk about what that means and why it matters, especially at a time like this). We will sing in worship, prayer fervently, and learn a new faith-at-home Bible focus. Let God's people worship! Join us via YouTube Live Stream at 10:01 a.m.

Sunday May 23, 2021

YouTube Westminster YouTube Channel

May 23 is Pentecost Sunday. Often considered the birthday of the global church, our text is Acts 2 as we learn about and reflect on the Holy Spirit being dramatically poured out on the disciples after Jesus' physical departure. Who is the Spirit in our lives? How do those ancient days connect with these days? We will sing God's praise, pray together, hear a new service-based faith-at-home focus, see what's next with the New City Catechism, and lift high the name of King Jesus! Join us online via YouTube at 10:01 a.m. just click the video with today's date.

Sunday Service May 30, 2021

YouTube Westminster YouTube Channel

God's people praise their God! So that's what we'll do on Sunday, May 30th at 10:01am on YouTube. We'll sing, learn a new faith-at-home focus, sing a new favourite hymn selection, lift concerns to God in prayer, and dive into a short-but-enigmatic passage in Acts 2:42-47 to learn how God sustains his people for the journey, even when we find it hard to sustain ourselves. Join us on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.