Q & A Forum – October 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our next Question and Answer forum will take place after worship on October 16th. This happens quarterly, is hosted by Pastor Ruttan, and is based on your previously submitted questions. f you’d like to learn more or to submit a question through the online form, here is the link.  Alternatively, you can leave a message at the church office (705-728-0541) and someone will get back to you. Here is an explainer video from Pastor Ruttan about this initiative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JaxjyNfbmQ  

Sunday Service – Oct. 23, 2022

Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” In response he declared: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). He was right! The church is based on this insight. This Sunday, October 23rd, several youth will confirm their faith in Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. They will state the reason for their faith and why they want to become a part of his church. Some will be baptized, others anointed as a remembrance of their baptism. This will be the main part of our service and we rejoice with them! We will also sing to God, pray together, and be blessed with fellowship and nursery care. There will only be Sunday School for the Kindergarten to Grade 3 class. Everyone else will be in the sanctuary for this confirmation service. It will be shorter than usual, and focused on being a part of these faith statements! And yes, there will be cake afterwards!

Sunday Service – Oct. 30, 2022

Imagine spending $30,000 in a single moment of extravagance, but not getting anything physical in return. Why not? Because you spent it honouring Jesus. Others criticized you for it. They thought you were wasteful. They said the money would be better spent on helping the needy. You don’t have a lot of money, but you wanted to show him your devotion. It was that important. And guess what? Jesus said you were right. On Sunday we’ll explore John 12:1-11 when Mary anointed Jesus feet with oil and wiped his feet with her hair. We try to enter into the story and explore what it means to honour Jesus when other people think you’re wasteful or unwise. Sunday will also be Jenn Harris’ last official day as Music Director. We will formally thank Jenn on a Sunday in the not-too-distant future, but will get to enjoy the blessings of her musical leadership and dedication. We will commission our nursery volunteer helpers, sing songs of praise, lift prayers to God, benefit from Sunday School ministry, enjoy fellowship, and be reminded of the goodness of our God!

Remembrance Day Sunday Service – Nov.6, 2022

For this coming Sunday remember to turn back your clocks one hour! Remembrance Sunday is always special and is held the Sunday prior to Remembrance Day. This year it is on November 6th. We gather in gratitude, give thanks to God for his promise of peace, and honor the memory of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and who have served and died in the horrors of war. There will be the Act of Remembrance (including God Save The King, the laying of the wreath by a veteran, The Last Post, Reveille, and O Canada), and In Flanders Fields (read by one of our young people). Before the youth leave for Sunday school we will light the Candles of Remembrance and Hope. At that time you will be invited forward (if you wish) to light a candle in remembrance of someone who has died in war, or as a prayer for peace. If you’ll be watching from home, be sure to have your candle ready. Pastor Ruttan will teach about John 12:20–26 and the men who wanted to see Jesus. When people open a door to us indicating that they are open to the things of God, do we share something about the hope of Jesus, or something less?

Sunday Service – November 13, 2022

Jesus tells his people to “Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you.” But what does that mean? Later he calls them “children of light.” There are times when these metaphors can seem confusing. So on Sunday we’ll unpack his meaning and go through an uplifting exercise which will move you forward in God’s light. We will sing, pray together, learn, and encourage. There will be Sunday School ministry, nursery care, and fellowship time.

Sunday Service – Nov. 20, 2022

Today while Pastor Ruttan is on his final day of Study Leave, our service is led by Jeff Walther, an active part of our Westminster Church family. People and families in our church, our community and across the country are about to experience one of the most difficult financial climates in many years. Local organizations such as the Food Bank and Christmas Cheer as well as international charities such as World Vision and The Red Cross are already warning of empty shelves and hungry children. As Christians, what should our response to this situation be? Knowing that “God loves a cheerful giver” but realizing that we are all limited to how much we can do to help the situation, what can we do to help? This Sunday we will look at the “ripple effect” that becomes the tidal wave of love when we all give, serve and encourage in the name of Jesus Christ. Our music leadership will be by Nena LaMarre. We will sing, pray, be encouraged and encourage others. There will be nursery care, Sunday School and fellowship time.

Kaye Lockwood Memorial Service

On Monday, November 21st at 1 p.m. we will hold a memorial service for Kaye Lockwood, a member of our congregation, who passed away on November 5th at the Bob Rumball Home for the Deaf. Kaye and her husband John ("Jack") were very active in the congregation. Kaye was a member of the Bible study group and was helpful in the church office and in many other groups. She was a nurse by profession and even spent time in Angola doing missionary work. Kaye was a woman who gushed kindness. We will miss her greatly but rejoice that she is now with the Lord! Her last line in her favourite hymn is "When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there"... and now she is! Obituary Passed away peacefully at the Bob Rumball Home for the Deaf, Barrie on Saturday November 5, 2022 at the age of 94. Predeceased by her loving husband Jack (January 2018). Survived by her daughters Lori and Dianne. Predeceased by her siblings Earl Hull, John (Bunny) Hull, Wendell Hull, and Ella (Penny) Broderick (according to Kaye, her best friend). A private graveside service was held on Thursday November 10th at Innisvale Cemetery, Innisfil. The family will honour her life with a service of remembrance at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 170 Steel Street, Barrie on Monday November 21st at 1pm. As an expression of sympathy donations in memory of Kaye may be made to Westminster Presbyterian Church or to Furry Friends Animal Shelter, Barrie and may be made through the funeral home Obituary wording above taken from tributearchive.com - It can be viewed here.

Sunday Service – Nov. 27, 2022

Advent begins! The word “Advent” means “coming,” and refers to the coming of Christ at Christmas, or even to his second coming. It is a season of anticipation and preparation for our gracious King. On Sunday, November 27th, Pastor Ruttan returns from study leave and we will light the advent candle of hope. We will sing and pray together. The Rev. Paul Sakasov will help Pastor Ruttan lead the music. And we will open our Bibles and explore John 13:1-30 and the significance of Jesus washing his disciples dirty feet. There will be Sunday School, nursery care, and fellowship time. We will also commission our new Communications Coordinator, Kristin Stouffer, to her new role!

Christmas Bazaar

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Saturday December 3 from 9 a.m. to Noon at Westminster...don't miss it!

The Westminster Joyskizzie

*Please note: If you are only coming for pizza and movie, those parts of the event will be held at the church - see below* Join your church family on Sat. Dec. 10th for a Joy Skizzie! (Skating + Pizza + Movie). You can come to some of it or all of it. It's free! Skating is from 3:30-4:30pm at the East Bayfield Arena. Pizza will be at 5:00 p.m. at the Church, followed by a movie; "The Nativity Story" (PG13), which will play in the sanctuary and "The Star" (animated) which will play downstairs. Reviews for both can be found at PluggedIn.com.