Worship Sunday February 13, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, February 13th, we praise God at 10:01am via YouTube and with a limited in-person group (pre-registration required). In this Sunday's text, we find Jesus upset. You don't see that very often. But it happens when people are irreverent and misusing his Father's house, the Jerusalem Temple. The word used to describe him is "zeal." What do we learn from this today about how God wants us to approach him, whether on Sunday or any other day? The text is John 2:13-25. We will also induct our three elders for their terms: Cathy Clark, Colin Leonard and Carolyn Trott. We will sing songs and hymns, pray together, and also learn about our emerging plan for in-person Sunday School with Laura Ruttan. Limited In-person seating (reservations required) and online LIVE stream Sundays at 10:01 a.m. Join us live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m. 

Worship Sunday February 20, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, February 20th, we praise God at 10:01am via YouTube and with a limited in-person group (pre-registration required). Denying the existence of God, cancel culture and redefining everything. Does anything make any sense anymore?! It does when you add it all up and 'Do the Math'. This Sunday we welcome guest speaker Jeff Walther as he helps us 'Do the Math' We will sing songs and hymns, pray, and worship the living God together. Join us live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m. 

Worship Sunday February 27, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Jesus said that we cannot enter God's kingdom without being "born again." What did he mean, and how might our new status in Christ impact our attitudes toward government, the pandemic and ourselves? That's what Pastor Ruttan will explore in worship on Sunday as he leads in worship along with Jenn Harris. Henna Kim will lead us in prayer, and Laura Ruttan will introduce another faith-at-home service activity. Join us live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m. 

Sunday Worship March 6, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

John 3:16. It's the most famous Bible verse in the world. Some call it a summary of the entire biblical message. But why? And how do these words have power against the darkness of the world? That's what we'll explore on Sunday. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Communion. We will sing hymns and praise songs, we will pray, we will learn a new faith-at-home focus, and Pastor Ruttan will announce the next steps of Westminster's re-opening. We will also have our Annual General Meeting via zoom after the service for those who would like to participate (see separate announcement). Because of all the other things happening, the "Q & A Forum" will be delayed until March 13th. "For God so loved the world..."  

Sunday Worship March 13, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

It's been exactly two years since we've been able to come to in-person worship and Sunday School without pre-registration... But it's here on March 13th! Click here for Pastor Ruttan's full video explanation about what to expect. In short, attendance limits have been lifted, masking is still required, and only come if you are feeling well. We recognize that people are at different levels of comfort in terms of being near others. We respect this. Only come if you are comfortable; the live-stream will continue to be an option. And remember that clocks spring ahead! It will be the 2nd Sunday in Lent. We will sing, pray, resume in-person Sunday School, induct three of our elders, and continue with our series on John and the necessity of humility -- the endangered virtue which is necessary if we are to be like Jesus. Let's honour the Lord no matter what! Join us LIVE on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Sunday Worship March 20, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, March 20th we worship in-person (without having to pre-register) and will also have in-person Sunday School at 10:01am! Our live-stream will continue for those at home. If you missed the announcement about lessened restrictions (but with masks still required) you can click here. We will sing songs to God, pray together, and re-centre ourselves on Almighty God, the one whose "kingdom rules over all" (Psalm 103:19) in the midst of troubling times. Pastor Ruttan will continue our series on John's Gospel and we will dive into what Jesus meant when he said that God actually seeks people to worship him "in the Spirit and in truth." Join us LIVE on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship Sunday March 27, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Saved from what? Jesus is called the "Saviour of the world" in John 4:42. But what does he save us from? The answer is very good news, and is probably a bit broader than we might normally think. With this as our biblical focus we will praise God in spirit and truth with songs, prayers, and with our Sunday School ministry. As previously announced, worship is now open to all with no pre-registration required (but still masks). There is also in-person Sunday School. The service is at 10:01am in person and also online via YouTube. Let's honour the Saviour of the world! Join us LIVE on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Sunday Worship April 3, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

April 3 is the 5th Sunday in Lent. -We gather in person to worship at 10:01am (no pre-registration needed but masks still required) -Live-stream continues -In-person Sunday School -Songs of praise; prayers; the Gospel of John (4:43-54) Live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.   

Sunday Worship April 10, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. This is the Sunday when we remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem as King prior to his death. For those coming in person, everyone will be given palms. In the ancient world, palms were sometimes waved during a royal procession. We sing, pray, enjoy special music and explore God's word. No pre-registration is required (but masks still are). The service will also be live-streamed. Worship begins at 10:01 a.m. here on YouTube.

Maundy Thursday Worship Service – April 14, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Maundy Thursday April 14th at 7pm. There will be in-person only (no live-stream). You will be given a candle; we will sing, ponder Jesus’ command to ‘love one another,’ and celebrate Communion in this shortened 40-minute service. No children’s programming available during this service.