Sunday Service – May 3rd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Let's worship together on May 3 at 10:01am online!  Find it here. We will fix our eyes on God, praise, pray, learn, and be mutually uplifted. We will be blessed by another entry for the Praise Challenge, hear a digital duet, and learn about a new project to thank and encourage our health care workers. Pastor Ruttan will explore James 1 and ask how hardship can make us more resilient. Apart but together, let's honour our good, powerful and eternal God!

Virtual Mother’s Day Tea


Here is how it works. On Wednesday May 6th at 12pm, take the complimentary tea bag you will have received by mail (or your own coffee or tea if preferred!) and make yourself a lovely cup of tea. Use your BEST tableware! Maybe add a sandwich or cookie. Then Celebrate Christ, our risen Lord. Celebrate our church, Westminster. Celebrate Pastor Matthew and all the volunteers and staff. Celebrate your mom & other important women in your life. Read the enclosed devotional during this time too. You can also find it here.  Enjoy your tea. Or, you can join our Zoom Tea Party hosted by Ann Macklem at 12pm and enjoy your tea with others from our Westminster Family and friends. Email Kim at to get your invitation before noon on Tuesday May 5th. Tickets – suggested price is $15 each. Please mail a cheque to 170 Steel St. L4M 2G4 or make a PayPal contribution online here on the website at for your tickets.

Sunday Service – May 10th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Sunday we gather digitally at 10:01am via our live stream to GLORIFY God! We will centre ourselves in the beautiful-ness of glorifying God -- something supremely important in a confused and blurry world. We will sing, pray, and learn. We will honour and  say Thank You to mothers and hear special music from last year's men's chorus, while enjoying a video of the pictures you sent in. Our service will begin with our elders reading Psalm 121, and will include another entry for the Praise Challenge! Let's GLORIFY God together apart. Here is where you'll find the Youtube Live Stream.

Sunday Service – May 17th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Join our online service here. In these strange times the days seem to blend together... except Sunday! Let's kick-off the week well with worship at 10:01am on the live stream. We will sing, pray and grow in God's word together. We will be blessed by two Praise Challenge entries, hear about the new 'Poweroom' resource, and enjoy some special music. Pastor Ruttan will also let us into a video conversation he had with two much-respected colleagues: Do you want things to go back to how they were before, or better than they were before? That's what they'll talk about. And remember to send in your photos which are starting to accumulate on the Communion table!

Sunday Service – May 24th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Sunday May 24th we will gather online to worship and praise our wonderful God. Pastor Ruttan's message will be based on Psalm 91.  He will confront the idea that if we are faithful to God then he will protect us from all harm, including physical harm (which Psalm 91) seems to suggest. "no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent." There are certainly many benefits -- both temporal and eternal -- that God gives us, but we are not inoculated from hardship. Pastor Ruttan will focus on what it means to live "in the shadow of the Almighty", he who is "my refuge and my fortress." We will also learn about the newest Family Devotional, hear more of the Praise Challenge entries, enjoy some special music and worship God as a community! Don't forget to send in your pictures for our communion table. Hope you can join us!

Sunday Service – May 31st

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Currently, our services are live-stream only.  You can find it here. Pastor Ruttan is off on Study Leave this week, so our own Cathy Clark will lead the service! It's Pentecost Sunday, and Cathy is basing her message on Joshua 3:14-17 and Acts 2:1-4, with a reference also to Joshua 1:9.  It is about the crossing over the River Jordan by the Israelites after their 40 years of wandering in the desert. When we are called to cross the river at the end of the pandemic, the Ark of the Covenant will not not go before us. Instead, the Holy Spirit of God, poured out to us on the day of Pentecost will lead us forward. Find a sermon resource for Cathy's message here. We will hear a new Praise Challenge submission, enjoy some special music and praise our awesome God! Hope you can join us on the live-stream!

Sunday Service – June 7th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Services are being held on live-stream only.  You can find it right here. On Sunday Westminster will celebrate it's 58th Anniversary! -- digitally, of course. It's a challenging time in our world. There is a lot of sickness and a lot of hurt. On Anniversary Sunday our theme will be love. As we are reminded in 1 John 4:19: "We love because he first loved us." We are also told that "perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18). We will celebrate Communion. (Have your bread and grape juice or wine ready.)  And "collect" for our Deacon's Fund.  More details on this outreach ministry can be found here. We will pray boldly, sing loudly, enjoy special music, another Praise Challenge Entry, and also watch a video review of some highlights from the past year. Let's honour our almighty and loving God together! Like our first virtual Communion service held on Maundy Thursday & when we celebrate on Sunday mornings, "anyone who trusts Jesus as their Lord is welcome to participate, they along with their children." If adults wish to participate with their children, it is important that, as usual, they have explained the meaning ahead of time. Click here for a 1-page helper in this regard. Hope you can join us.

Sunday Service – June 14th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Sunday we will worship God at 10:01 via our live stream on YouTube which you can find right here! With God's people all over the world we will lift our voices in song, prayer and hope! Our service will continue to include elements from various people in the congregation (spoken or musical) and Pastor Ruttan will offer us a concise but in-depth look at one of Jesus' most famous teachings: The Beatitudes. We will think seriously about what it means to be "blessed" in God's counter-cultural kingdom. Let's honour Almighty God!

Special Prayer Service

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Mark your calendars for THIS special evening from 7:30 to 8:30pm.  We will be having a special live-streamed prayer service. It will include prayers and special music. Let's join together as God's people! If you have a special prayer request that you'd like included please email it to Pastor Ruttan (who will be leading the service) at before Tuesday at 5pm. & if you are naming someone please ensure they have given permission to be named on the internet; otherwise, just leave the name out. Hope you can join us!

Sunday Service – June 21st

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Please join us for our live-stream service which you can find right here Sunday is worship day! We gather digitally at 10:01am to praise Almighty God! It's also Father's Day. We will thank and celebrate fathers with a picture tribute (send yours in!), prayers and a fun dad video. We will be blessed by an upbeat Praise Challenge submission, hear about a new family devotional resources (that is based on apologetics), sing to the Lord, offer up prayers to the throne of grace, and open our Bibles to Matthew 7:7-27. We live our lives based on what we think is true. So in an age of information overload, how do we know what's true? Jesus has some powerful and clarifying thoughts for us to consider. Let's honour God together apart.