Sunday Service – March 22nd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Even though the building continues to be closed, we continue to worship God through live-streaming on the internet below. Please access our live-stream at 9:50 each Sunday morning right here. We will sing God's praise, pray together, learn about this week's new family devotional resource, and reflect on God's trustworthy word. Do you feel like many aspects of your life right now are out of control? Things seem to change daily in a pandemic. We're uncertain about our activities, our investments, our well-being -- the list goes on. Pastor Ruttan will discuss these uncertainties as they relate to coronavirus and take us through Psalm 103, a powerful and assuring text about the almighty power and goodness of God (and to root ourselves in that eternal truth on a daily basis). This message is especially important when we feel small and unsure.    

Sunday Service – March 29th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Please access our live-stream at 9:50 right here. On Sunday, March 29th we will gather virtually on the live-stream to praise our almighty and everlasting God! From wherever you are, we will sing, we will lift our voices in prayer, and we will seek God's wisdom, direction and strength. The theme of the service is "your weapons in the war against fear." Let's be honest. There's a lot of fear out there right now. So our prayers, music, and Pastor Ruttan's message, will be about rooting ourselves in the powerful presence of God in the victorious war against fear. Why not share the live-stream link with someone you know or online? Plus, we'll introduce the next family devotional resource during the kids' time. Let's honour God together in these unprecedented days.

Sunday Service – April 5th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Access our Live Stream here. On Sunday, April 5th, Palm Sunday,  we will gather virtually on the live-stream to worship and praise our awesome God! Palm Sunday is when we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem as King the week before his crucifixion and resurrection at Easter. People celebrated with shouts of hope! That's something we need to hear about, isn't it?--especially when our days are filled with problems, pains and disappointments. Pastor Ruttan will take us through God's word to leverage insights from Luke 19:28-48 for Christian hope for the real world, especially when it might be hard to have it." Why not share the live-stream link with someone you know or online? And as in weeks past, the next family devotional resource will be shared during the kids' time. Let's honour God together in these unprecedented days. Hope you can join us!

Maundy Thursday

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Maundy Thursday (April 9) at 7pm, we will gather online for our first-ever virtual Communion service. At 7pm a video service will be posted here to our YouTube channel of Pastor Ruttan. As he indicates when we celebrate on Sunday mornings, "anyone who trusts Jesus as their Lord is welcome to participate, they along with their children." If adults wish to participate with their children, it is important that, as usual, they have explained the meaning ahead of time. Click here for a 1-page helper in this regard. Bring a worshipful heart, a Bible, some bread and either grape juice or wine. If you only have bread, or if you only have juice or wine, that is okay; you will still be participating in Communion. The service will include prayer, singing, John 13, and the Sacrament itself. It will be about 30 minutes long.  

Good Friday

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Access our Live Stream here. On Good Friday at 10:01am we will gather via the live-stream for a reflective service of singing, prayer, Scripture, and some special music. As we gather at the foot of the cross and ponder the world-changing event of Jesus giving his life for ours, we consider Isaiah 53:5: "by his wounds we are healed." Mandy Hillyard has also provided a video resource for our children to use in the absence of this year's children's program.  You can find it here.  

Easter Sunday

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Access our Live Stream here. Sunday April 12th is Easter Sunday and at 10:01am we will gather via the live-stream for a joyful and celebratory service. Christ is risen! Our service will be uplifting and joyful. There will be special music, a new family devotional resource, and music and teaching meant to fix our eyes and hearts on our victorious God! We encourage you to share our live stream link and time of service with your family and friends! You will be glad you did! Why not share the live-stream link with someone you know or online? Let's honour God together, celebrating his incredible gift to us. Hope you can join us!  

Sunday Service – April 19th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Sunday, April 19th we'll gather online at 10:01am to praise our God of hope! From wherever we are -- and with smart phones, computer screens or tablets -- songs will be sung, prayers will be lifted up, and we will seek God's wisdom and strength. In his message, Pastor Ruttan will address the question: 'Where is God in a pandemic?' It's a big one, and incredibly significant at this point in our lives. We may not know everything about God, but we know some things, and those things give us comfort and counsel for uncertain days. Also, we'll introduce the 'Praise Challenge,' and the new family devotional resource which will involve something you can artistically contribute to next week's worship service. We hope you can join us.  You will find the live-stream here.

Sunday Service – April 26th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

On Sunday, April 26th we will gather virtually at 10:01am (tell your friends and family!) -- no matter who or where we are -- to lift high the name of Jesus and worship the eternal God who always provides for his people!  You will find the live stream here. We are apart, but not alone, as we sing, pray, learn and are uplifted. We will see the submissions for the 'Create' devotional project, be blessed by the first Praise Challenge offering, and Pastor Ruttan will explain, in light of Covid-19, what we can learn from the Hebrews' time wandering in the wilderness when they had limited certainty of their future, whereabouts, or comforts. Hope you can join us!

Sunday Service – May 3rd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Let's worship together on May 3 at 10:01am online!  Find it here. We will fix our eyes on God, praise, pray, learn, and be mutually uplifted. We will be blessed by another entry for the Praise Challenge, hear a digital duet, and learn about a new project to thank and encourage our health care workers. Pastor Ruttan will explore James 1 and ask how hardship can make us more resilient. Apart but together, let's honour our good, powerful and eternal God!

Virtual Mother’s Day Tea


Here is how it works. On Wednesday May 6th at 12pm, take the complimentary tea bag you will have received by mail (or your own coffee or tea if preferred!) and make yourself a lovely cup of tea. Use your BEST tableware! Maybe add a sandwich or cookie. Then Celebrate Christ, our risen Lord. Celebrate our church, Westminster. Celebrate Pastor Matthew and all the volunteers and staff. Celebrate your mom & other important women in your life. Read the enclosed devotional during this time too. You can also find it here.  Enjoy your tea. Or, you can join our Zoom Tea Party hosted by Ann Macklem at 12pm and enjoy your tea with others from our Westminster Family and friends. Email Kim at to get your invitation before noon on Tuesday May 5th. Tickets – suggested price is $15 each. Please mail a cheque to 170 Steel St. L4M 2G4 or make a PayPal contribution online here on the website at for your tickets.