Sunday Service – February 21

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Worshiping God is what Jesus wants and what we love to do! We do so on Sunday, February 21 at 10:01am EST via YouTube. We will sing, pray, and continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke. Isn't it great to hear about people's favourite hymns and sing them? And isn't it encouraging to hear each other talk about faith in the Can I Get A Withness segment? We'll continue with those, enjoy a new faith-at-home focus, and recognize Julie Cunha's new expanded role. Plus, we'll have our first Kahoot! (Just download the app). The annual meeting to receive and approve the 2021 budget is after the service at 11:30am via zoom. Services are found online only and you can watch here.

Sunday Service February 28

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

We are in the season of Lent, and on Sunday we honour our Creator and Saviour who makes all things new! Join in at 10:01am EST online. We lift our voices, bow in prayer, and centre our hearts and minds on God's word. We continue our journey with Luke 14:25-35, are blessed by a new favourite hymn submission and a "Can I get a Withness?" entry. We will learn of a Lent-themed faith-at-home focus and hear about our Kahoot winner! Join Us Live on Sundays  

Sunday Service March 7

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

We apologize for the technical difficulties during last Sunday's service. We think it's been resolved. We return to worship this Sunday, March 7th at 10:01am EST. However, it will be different. In fact, a new first. The service will be recorded in different parts of the building. In fact, we're pretty sure that you'll see places you haven't even been before. Through it all we will praise the Lord, learn from his word, sing and pray, celebrate Communion (bring your bread and wine or juice) and have some fun too. It will be available on our YouTube channel starting at 9:45am. Find us online only Youtube Live Stream

Sunday March 14

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

"Stand firm, and you will win life." Those are Jesus' words in Luke 21:19 and they relate to the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, but also the end times which Pastor Ruttan will preach about. We will sing in praise, pray, hear another 'Can I Get A Withness?' submission, learn about a new faith-at-home focus, and be uplifted and encouraged for this challenging journey! Tune in to the live-stream at 10:01am EST. Join us online only  Youtube Live Stream

Sunday March 21

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Patrick Voo, we will be happy to introduce our new Small Groups and Home Church coordinator. They will be a strong, knowledgeable and Spirit-filled addition to our team at Westminster! Do you ever think to yourself, "what has God done for me lately?"  Be honest!  Aside from the fact that it feels like we're living in especially challenging times where everyday forces us to face a 'new normal', it's easy to feel a disconnect from the goodness of God.  This weekend we're continuing to journey through the life of Jesus according to Luke, and we'll look at a seemingly random encounter in Luke 17:11 ... but what came about was a complete "Gratitude Shift". To get you started on what this kind of 'gratitude shift' means, why not click and watch this little video clip? Join us online only  Youtube Live Stream

Sunday March 28, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday we begin holy week with Palm Sunday! On March 28th let's worship online at 10:01am. We will sing songs of Jesus' kingship, pray, learn from God's word, and hear a favourite hymn and a new faith-at-home focus. Why not make your own palm branch for the service? Join us online only  Youtube Live Stream

Maundy Thursday – April 1, 2021

Pre Recorded on YouYube

Join us online as we virtually enter the upper room, take communion together and move through the final meal, betrayal and arrest of Jesus. This service will be available pre-recorded and available on Thursday April 1st after 6:00 p.m. The one-page handout that Pastor Ruttan mentions about discussing the meaning of Communion with children can be accessed here. You can find it on our YouTube page here.

Good Friday – April 2, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Join us live on YouTube for an online only Good Friday service. Tune in at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube.

Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

We celebrate the resurrection of Christ -- our sure and certain hope and victory! At 10:01am EST we will worship online with special music, singing, prayers, God's word, and some special contributions from the congregation. The darker the world gets, the brighter the Light shines. Be sure to share our YouTube channel and information with your friends and family! Join us at 10:01 a.m. on live stream only.

Sunday Service – April 11, 2021

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This Sunday, April 11th at 10:01am EST we will worship the God of resurrection! Pastor Ruttan will teach about the Road to Emmaus and experiencing the resurrected Jesus, and will be joined by Henna Kim, our new small groups and home church coordinator, to help with parts of the service. We will sing together, pray and be strengthened in God's hope. We will also hear about a new faith-at-home focus on prayer and be blessed by a new "Can I get a withness?" testimony. Let's honour the living Lord together.   Join us at 10:01 a.m. (EST) live on YouTube Only