Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, May 5th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. "Apprenticeship 2.0: Working more closely with the Master to learn the Master's craft more clearly." That's the name of Pastor Ruttan's current teaching series. In Part 1 we explored the resurrection of Christ as the foundation of our faith. In Part 2 we looked at the call to repent, be baptized, and the gift of being filled with the Holy Spirit. On Sunday, May 5, we'll explore how we are called to ethically live in the world. Sure, we all know about the great command to love God and neighbour. But since the word 'love' can be over-used and abused (and therefore misunderstood), we'll explore what it really means in the New Testament. We'll also explore the cardinal Christian virtue which is a kind of prerequisite to love if we are to be effective as Christ's apprentices. One thing is for sure: Apprenticing under Jesus is a worthy focus for our lives. We will also sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Mother’s Day Tea & Luncheon

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Mothers Day Tea and Luncheon will be held on Wednesday May 8 at Westminster at 12:00 noon. Come and enjoy fresh baking, sandwiches and desserts galore!  We welcome everyone - men, women and children. The price is 15.00 for adults and children are free. Tickets will be available in the Fellowship Hall after church on Sundays and in the church office during office hours. All proceeds will go to support the work of the church. For more information speak to Ann Macklem or Debbie Hope


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, May 12th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. Have you ever wondered about the Devil or demons? For a lot of us, we know that Jesus (and others in the Bible) talk and teach about the Devil and the presence of real evil in our world, but we don't really know much about it. And much of what we do know is influenced by strange things we see in popular culture like in Hollywood movies. What's more is that many of us have been told by someone that the biblical passages about the Devil and evil are just "dated" and simply reflect a pre-scientific understanding of things... and therefore, they say, we don't need to take them seriously. On Sunday, May 12th, Pastor Ruttan will continue the current teaching series called Apprenticeship 2.0. As a part of that he will look at the battleground that we find ourselves living in -- and yes, it is a battleground. He'll explore Luke 4:1-13 to discover some key findings about navigating real evil in our world. Imagine yourself playing hockey, but the other team simply isn't there. Well, that's how a lot of people think of life. It's just them, God, and the road ahead. But the game is totally different if there is an opponent. (And guess what, there is!) Truth is, you'd be much better prepared if you knew that was the case. The good news is that there is clear, understandable help for living confidently and victoriously as God's people of love and truth in our challenging world. There...

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Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, May 19th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. As we gather to praise God, we will welcome several new members into the church family who are professing their faith. In the place of the sermon, they will be sharing thoughts about their own faith in Christ and what it means to be a part of his body. This has been something we've done with our young people when they have come of age and confirmed their faith. Since it is so meaningful to hear about other people's experiences, we decided to extend the practice to adults as well! We will worship, pray, and encourage one another on this special Sunday. There will be nursery care, and full Sunday School, from preschool to high school. Let's honour God, and be a part of something bigger together! Hope you can join us!


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, May 26th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. Rev. Patrick will share a message  titled "Unswipeable Community" .  How living in the digital age has changed how we develop relationships and experience community - now we put as much emphasis on virtual connections as we do on in-person interactions.  Social media platforms can enhance community, but we have to remember that they are just tools, and we have to maintain the spirit or ethic of community.  God wants community to be something that feeds our minds, bodies and spirits - so by putting priority on being loving, service-driven, honest, empathetic and positive we can keep on building each other up in the way that Jesus commands us. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, June 2nd at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. On Sunday Pastor Ruttan will offer the final installment of the Apprenticeship 2.0 series, a message about “Big Hope”. The idea is that when we know what will happen at the end of time, this has a positive impact on our lives in the here and now. We know that all suffering/problems are temporary, and this motivates and encourages us to work toward the greater goal which we know is coming. A key quote will be from John Leith when he said that Christians differ from other people not always in what happens to them, but that they respond in faith, hope and love. Jesus himself shows us how he always responds to the situations around him with hope, even when he’s dealing with difficult circumstances. It is also Communion Sunday (and Anniversary Sunday).  Westminster will be turning 57! There will be a financial appeal for the Deacon’s Fund, a ministry of our church to help and support people who are struggling financially. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, June 9th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. On Sunday Pastor Ruttan will be starting a 3-part series.  Here's a short video explanation... We will also sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, June 16th at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. This coming Sunday is Part 2 in the Help When It Hurts series. Hurts. They happen. To all of us. In fact, the only people who haven't experienced some kind of hurt in their lives are those who have yet to be born! And even though none of us are offered a free pass in life, God does promise his presence and help through the pain. That's what our current teaching series is all about: "Help When It Hurts." In Part 1 on June 9 we explored how walking with God and walking with God's people can help us through our difficulties. In Part 2 we'll explore something else that helps us when we're hurting.  We will be focusing on having a purpose in the midst of our hurts and the big difference that makes -- i.e. having a godly purpose in your life offsets the pain in your life. Have you experienced hurt? Are you hurting now? Or could you possibly experience hurt at some point in the future? If so, this series is for you. Let's learn and worship together." There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. And it's Father's Day so our Ladies Chorus will sing! Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.  Hope to see you there.

Strawberry Dinner

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

One of the sure signs of summer's approaching is the holding of our annual Strawberry Dinner! This year the menu will consist of roast chicken, salads, drinks and of course STRAWBERRIES!   This event is held in support of the work of our church. Tickets are $20 each and children under 12 are FREE. You can purchase tickets Sunday after the service or at the office during regular office hours Tue - Fri 9am - 12pm. Please call the church at 705 728- 0541 for more information or to reserve tickets.


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) This Sunday we'll gather together as God's people to worship, sing, pray, learn and encourage one another in Christ. We will have our full Sunday School (preschool to high school) and nursery care. We've been working through a teaching series called "Help When It Hurts" because, let's face it, life can hurt... worries, broken relationships, illness, financial hardship, a pain from your past that never seems to go away. You know it's true. Biblical teachings don’t assume that life will be a cakewalk. In fact, they presume that life will be difficult. None of us are offered a free pass; but we are promised God’s presence and help through the pain. So if you have hurt, are hurting, or could hurt at some point in the future, then this is for you. So far we've looked at some of the psalms and the importance of walking with God, walking with God's people, and of having a godly purpose in your life to offset the pain in your life. On June 23 we'll have Part 3 and explore how our hurts can actually re-create us. The question each of us needs to answer is--for better, or for worse? We will also induct/ordain three new elders into our leadership at Westminster.  And present our High School grads with care packages as they move into the next chapter of their lives. Hope to see you there!