New Member Meeting

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

ARE YOU CONSIDERING MEMBERSHIP AT WESTMINSTER? If so, please plan on attending an information gathering on Sunday March 17th at 12:15 to learn more about what that means. Not sure? Find some more information here and download a copy of The Meaning of Membership Booklet. You can also find the full resource at the Welcome Desk or please talk to Kim Sanderson our Co-ordinator of Congregational Life at 705-835-2845 or email her at

Sunday Service – March 24

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 24 at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. It is the third Sunday in Lent -- the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. This week  Rev. Patrick will lead us during our service and continue with the third message in the “Vote for Pedro” series. We are truly enriched by learning more about the Apostle Peter, a guy just like us. This week’s message is “Truth you can handle”.  We'll learn that when Jesus feeds you, you have more than you need. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Sunday Service – March 31

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 31 at 10:01am as we worship God together. God is so good, loving and true that we can't not praise him! It is the fourth Sunday in Lent -- the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. Rev.  Allyson will deliver the fourth message in the "Vote for Pedro" series, on forgiveness. Ever ask a question and then come to regret it once you heard the answer? This week on the campaign trail Peter tries to clarify exactly how much forgiveness he might be required to offer; and chances are he did not love Jesus' response.  It even involved math.   Holding on to others' offenses can really weigh a person down. But in your wildest dreams , can you imagine what might happen if we leave those burdens behind? We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Sunday Service – April 7

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, April 7 at 10:01 am. It is the fifth Sunday in Lent and we will honour and praise God together. Lent is the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. We will enjoy the fifth message in our "Vote for Pedro" series with a message entitled "I Choose Us".  Rev. Patrick will share various passages that help to illustrate that God would rather save the world with us than without us.  Peter, of course, will play a part. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. We will also have a Food Drive for the Barrie Food Bank. This is something we do every Easter as the food bank starts to experience heavier use in the period leading up to Easter weekend. This is a very real and practical way we can help those who are struggling. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Leading with Care Workshop

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our LEADING WITH CARE WORKSHOP is coming up on Sunday April 7th.  Please save the date and about an hour after the service & fellowship this day if you are a leader, teacher or volunteer in the church and have not yet attended this training. Leading with Care is an initiative of our denomination, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, which seeks to ensure the safety and health all all people involved with the life of the church. At Westminster we want to ensure the safety of our environment, especially those who are vunerable–the young and the elderly. The policy is not reactive, but proactive. Volunteers are required to adhere to a care policy and submit police record checks. God loves all his children. In the church we also strive to share this love and protection with others. If you have any questions, or need more information please contact Darlene Munro at


Urban Dish Grill & Wine Bar 367 Yonge Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

All are most welcome to join us and to bring their friends.  This will be our last dinner until October. Please be sure to visit the website to see the menus for Urban Dish Grill & Wine Bar 367 Yonge St, 705-797-8909. Click here for a the full menu and more information. The reservation is in the name of 'Westminster'.  Please contact Gayle Atkinson 705 627 9790 (vmail or text),  David or Linda Holloway 705 739 8597  no later than Wednesday April 10th  at noon, if you would like to participate.  Please call the restaurant after this deadline to make any changes.  Thanks!

Sunday Service – April 14 (Palm Sunday)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, April 14 at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. It is Palm Sunday -- the day when we acknowledge and celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem in the week before his crucifixion and resurrection. Rev. Patrick will share the next message in the "Vote for Pedro" series about the Apostle Peter titled "Look Again" - God's gift of abundant life changes our world from the inside out. Everyone will be given a palm branch on their way into the service. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Maundy Thursday

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

April 18 is Maundy Thursday. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin phrase “mandatum novum.” It means “new commandment” and refers to what Jesus said in John 13:34: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” So that is the main Bible passage for the service. This year our service is “candlelit.” In 2016 there was an ice storm. The lights when out so we had to hold the service by candlelight. We liked the experience so much that we decided to do it again every year since — but this time on purpose! So as you come in you’ll be given a small candle, just like on Christmas Eve. We’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and sing and pray together. At the end of the service we’ll turn low all the candles and leave in silence as we prepare for the cross and Good Friday. Since it is an evening service there will be no nursery care. Join in. This is a moving, meaningful service during Holy Week.

Good Friday

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

April 19 is Good Friday. It is the day when we gather at the foot of the cross to remember the sacrifice and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Our service is at 10am. It is a special time of singing, of prayer, and of remembering God’s love made known on the cross. Please note that there is also a 1-hour children’s program. It is for children aged 4 and up and will be downstairs. Good Friday is a very important day for younger ages as well, and they will learn that it is not all about chocolate eggs and a break from school — but something so much more wonderful and meaningful. Let us praise God together on this very special day.

Easter Sunday!

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Easter Sunday is when we celebrate the resurrection of Christ! At 10:01am we’ll gather together to joyfully sing, pray and marvel at God’s power and goodness. The service itself is an hour long. No matter who you are, you’ll feel welcome and uplifted. There will be nursery and Sunday School. The Sunday School children start the service with the wider group, and then leave for Sunday School classes (divided by age) about 20 minutes into the service. Ages are from preschool to high school. (And after the service there may be a few surprises too!) During the service we’ll be uplifted by special music, and will be encouraged to think about how the resurrection transforms our perspective on life. Pastor Ruttan will use is as an opportunity to launch a new series: "Apprenticeship 2.0." Easter is the main event of the Christian faith. Join in. It will be a morning of hope and celebration. You’ll be glad you did.