Sunday Service – February 24

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, February 24 at 10:01 am as we worship the true and living God! We welcome Rev. Allyson Voo who will continue the series “OVERDRAFT – WHEN TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH” with a message entitled “Fully Known”.  In it, she will discuss relationships and explore why so many seem strained. We will sing songs and hymns, pray, learn biblical and eternal truths, and encourage one another. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Camp Sponsorship Application

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Westminster Church in Barrie has created a fund to help young people attend church-sponsored summer camps. All of the financial offerings that were received during our two Christmas Eve services were given toward this fund. Examples of these camps are Camp Cairn in Muskoka which include Glen Mhor, Iona, and Presbyterian Music Camp. There are others, but these are good examples. They offer weekly camps throughout the summer. Their schedules and more information can be accessed at Click here to read a pdf copy of the application: Summer Camp Sponsorship Application - 2019 01 They can also be picked up in person at the church from Tuesday to Friday, 9am to noon. The deadline is Sunday, February 24th. (Please note, however, that the 'early bird' deadline for $40 off each camp session at Cairn is February 1st, so you may want to apply early.) Applications will be treated confidentially, and questions can be directed to our treasurer, Mary Colvin.

‘Extraordinary!’ Movie Night

Come join us on Friday, March 1st for a Movie Night at Westminster Church! In partnership with Life 100.3FM, we're showing "EXTRAORDINARY" - based on a true marriage story of an ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well. It shows on Friday, March 1st at 7pm. The doors will open at 6:30pm.  There will be snacks and refreshments available from our hosts, the Jr Youth Group. Admission taken at the door: $5 for adults, $2 for children 12 and under. We hope you join us for the inspiring movie! Here's the movie trailer:

Sunday Service – March 3

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 3 at 10:01 am as we come together as God's people and worship him. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn biblical and eternal truths, and encourage one another. Rev. Patrick will wrap up the “OVERDRAFT – WHEN TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH” series with a message “No More Chances”. He will discuss how even when we overdraft on sin, God overwhelms us with grace. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. March 3rd is a date when we celebrate Communion, also called the Lords's Supper or the Eucharist. Jesus said to "do this in remembrance of me," and so that is what we do. We remember his love, what he did for us on the cross, and are nurtured by his powerful and ongoing presence. We will also have a ‘toiletries’ drive for the David Busby Street Centre. These are ‘high demand’ items and are helpful for people trying to survive and get ahead in the midst of difficult situations. Would you consider choosing some items to bring in? – Here’s the list: Male & female razors; Deodorant; Shampoo & conditioner samples; Toothbrushes, toothpaste & floss; Feminine hygiene products; Hair ties, combs, brushes; Shaving cream; Toilet paper, paper towels; Lip gloss. Just bring in some items and put them in the baskets at either door. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

Adult Social Club – March Gathering

Applebees Barrie 326 Bayfield Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

All are most welcome to join us and to bring their friends to this month's gathering being held on the second Friday this month because of our Extraordinary Movie Night at the church on March 1st.  This month's restaurant choice was provided by many folks. Join us Friday, March. 8th, at 6:30PM for dinner at Applebees Restuarant,  326 Bayfield St, 705-739-8597 The reservation is in the name of 'Westminster'.  Please contact David or Linda Holloway at 705-722-4032 no later than Wednesday March 6 at noon, if you would like to participate.  Please call the restaurant after this deadline to make any changes. Fun, Fellowship and Food - let's enjoy together!

Sunday Service – March 10

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 10 at 10:01 am as we worship the true and living God! We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. Let's never underestimate the power of those things! There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. March 10 is also the start of Lent -- the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. Rev. Allyson Voo will begin a series entitled "Vote for Pedro" which is about the Apostle Peter and will lead us through Lent.  What is it about?  Ever feel like your life is just going around in circles? Like maybe your opportunities have passed you by, or that your best shot at a happy and successful life has slipped through your hands? Not a chance! If Jesus can help transform the life of a nothing-special guy like Peter, just watch how He can make even YOUR wildest dreams come true! Sunday’s message is entitled “Why are We Stopping Here?”  It is based on Luke 8:40 - 56 in which Peter has a single line yet is one of the stories that illustrates how he has to start to revise his thinking on how God works. It also the start of Daylight Savings Time so remember to change your clocks. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.  See you there!

March Break Camp 2019

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Mark your calendars for March 12, 13, 14 for 2019's March Break Camp! Our theme is ‘POWER UP! – Raise Your Game!’ and the key verse is: “God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3a). Your kids will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they learn how to up their game. Camp is open to all children ages 4 through 11. The cost is only $20 per camper! There is great music, games, Bible stories, games, snacks and fun crafts! March Break Camp (just like the summer Vacation Bible Camp) is a popular event and needs to be capped at 80 campers. So don’t wait too long to sign up! ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED!  We are at our limit for campers.  If you would like to be added to a "wait list" should a spot become available - please contact the church at 705-728-0541    

Sunday Service – March 17

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 17 at 10:01 am as we worship our faithful and steadfast God! It is the second Sunday in Lent -- the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. This week was also the second week in our “VOTE 4 PEDRO” series, looking at how various key moments in the life of Peter were critical moments in the revealing of the Kingdom of God. The big idea was around how we can use our faith to take us from “zero to hero”, and how faith is all about failing forward – that without taking risks we give up on the opportunities to experience God’s greatest dreams for us. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Oh, and it's St. Patrick's Day! Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.

New Member Meeting

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

ARE YOU CONSIDERING MEMBERSHIP AT WESTMINSTER? If so, please plan on attending an information gathering on Sunday March 17th at 12:15 to learn more about what that means. Not sure? Find some more information here and download a copy of The Meaning of Membership Booklet. You can also find the full resource at the Welcome Desk or please talk to Kim Sanderson our Co-ordinator of Congregational Life at 705-835-2845 or email her at

Sunday Service – March 24

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

(Here is our location via Google Maps.) You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 24 at 10:01 am as we worship God as his people together. It is the third Sunday in Lent -- the 40 day period (excluding Sundays) that lead up to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation. We will sing songs and hymns to God, pray, learn, and encourage one another. That's a significant part of what we do. This week  Rev. Patrick will lead us during our service and continue with the third message in the “Vote for Pedro” series. We are truly enriched by learning more about the Apostle Peter, a guy just like us. This week’s message is “Truth you can handle”.  We'll learn that when Jesus feeds you, you have more than you need. There will be nursery care, and our full Sunday School will be in operation: pre-school to high school. Let’s worship and be a part of something bigger together.