Sunday Service – January 12th

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday January 12th we'll gather for a special morning to sing, pray, learn and worship our amazing and life-giving God! During the service several of our young people will offer faith statements as a part of the confirmation process they have been going through with Pastor Ruttan. Some will also be baptized! After the service we will also enjoy some fellowship and cake together. Nursery care will be provided, as will the youngest two Sunday school classes. The older two classes (taught by Laura Ruttan and Mandy Hillyard) will stay in the service to witness the confirmations. Let's honour God, and support these young people, together.

Crazy Hat Dinner

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Find that January is a bit of a chore to get through? Join us on the 18th for an "all you can eat" pasta dinner at 5:30.  We'll enjoy salad, pasta and dessert.  There will be gluten free pasta available and an assortment of sauces. Wear your funniest or most creative hat - you might win a prize! Come out and enjoy some fun, frivolity and fellowship! Tickets are $15 each, children under 8 free.  Family rate for 4 or more (over 8) $40.  They are available after church on Sunday or at the church office during regular hours starting January 7th.

Sunday Service – January 19th

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday January 19th the Westminster Family will gather to worship our incredible God upstairs and down! Pastor Ruttan will explore Romans 8:18-30, a deep passage penned by the apostle Paul about having hope through hardship, and God's big picture vision that is meant to give us perspective for whatever we're dealing with. It's a message that might resonate with us in a particularly significant way at this gloomy time of year! We will also recognize and thank our outgoing elders who have served on our church’s session, but whose term came to an end at the end of 2019.  They continue to be elders but are no longer active at the monthly session meetings.  At Westminster, elders who complete their term as called “sustaining elders.”  They continue to be called upon from time to time to offer help or wisdom at the church. There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope to see you there!

Sunday Service – January 26th

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday January 26th we will gather to worship our incredible God. Pastor Ruttan will continue with his focus on Romans 8, looking at verses 31-39. Nothing can separate us from God's love / we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. This Sunday will also include the next Q and A forum after worship.  For more information on this and to submit your questions,  please see this page. During the service we will recognize World Leprosy Day, a ministry supported by Stitch and Chatter. The Sunday School will be in full operation and nursery care will be available.  We hope you can join us.

Sunday Service – February 2nd

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

The Westminster Family will gather on February 2nd to worship, sing and praise our God. Cathy Clark will lead our service as Pastor Ruttan is away.  The theme of her message is our call to be a community of faith, to worship God as one, in unity of spirit, as a horizontal community engaged together in vertical worship. We will explore how we are called to be one faith in worship of our one Lord. As part of this, we will consider how elements of worship, like hymns and corporate prayer, bind us together. The full Sunday School will be in operation and nursery care is available. Hope to see you there!

Sunday Service – February 9th

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, February 9th, we will gather upstairs and down to worship our awesome God! Pastor Ruttan will begin a new four part series based on Philippians and with a common theme of "maturity -- four things mature people on the path of joy."   He will discuss what being "mature" is  - facing adversity, uncertainty and just life.  The series will run February 9, 16, 23 and March 1, 2020.  Want some "joy for the journey" - join us.  Watch this YouTube video for a preview.  This week's message is titled "Proactive partnership". The full Sunday School will be in operation, and nursery care is also available.  We hope you can come. If you are unable to join us in person - please access our live stream at 9:50am or watch at your convenience.  You can find the live stream, service and recorded messages under our "YouTube" menu.  

Sunday Service – February 16th

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, February 16th, we will come together to worship our incredible God! This week, Pastor Ruttan will take us through Philippians 2:1-18 as for Part 2 in our series: "Mature - 4 Things Mature People Do On The Path of Joy." Our focus is on humility. It's something we can admire, but these days it seems at risk of extinction in a society of self-promotion, and of bigger, better, more. C.S. Lewis wrote: "Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but of yourself less." But why is it essential to maturity and joy? Cultivating humility in the ways we'll discuss on Sunday will help you deal with adversity and uncertainty Watch this YouTube video for a preview. We will also be distributing our Annual Report ahead of the AGM meeting next week. The full Sunday School will be in operation, and nursery care is also available.  Please join us! If you are unable to join us in person - please access our live stream at 9:50am or watch at your convenience at our YouTube channel found under the menu above.  If you missed the first message and want to listen to it, you can find it here.

Sunday Service – February 23rd

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, February 23rd, we will come together to worship, praise and pray to our awesome God! This week, Pastor Ruttan will offer Part 3 in the "Mature" series. He will continue to take us through Philippians 2:19 - 3:21. So far we have discovered that mature people take Christian fellowship seriously and choose humility. This Sunday we will zero-in on the value of learning from other Christian leaders that God has placed in our lives. Once explained, we will see how God can encourage, strengthen and direct us through certain leaders in our lives."Watch this YouTube video for a preview. The full Sunday School will be in operation, and nursery care is also available. We will also be holding our Annual Report following the service in the sanctuary.  Child care and nursery care will be available during the meeting. If you are unable to join us in person - please access our live stream at 9:50am or watch at your convenience at our YouTube channel found under the menu above. If you missed the first or second message - you can find both of them here on our "recent sermons" page.

Sunday Service – March 1st

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, March 1st, the Westminster Family will gather to worship our God. Pastor Ruttan will bring the current teaching series about Maturity to a close. He will take us through Philippians 4, and the importance of never giving up! This is easier said than done. That's why a close reading of the text gives us guidance about how to persevere through adversity and uncertainty, and to do so in a way that keeps us focused on what is good in life. The sermon will also summarize all we've learned so far. It is the first Sunday in Lent. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion & we will have the special appeal for the Deacon’s Fund. The full Sunday School will be in operation, and nursery care is also available.  Hope you can join us! If you are unable to join us in person - please access our live stream at 9:50am or watch at your convenience at our YouTube channel found under the menu above.  If you missed any of the first three messages and want to listen to one of them or all, you can find them here under "Recent Messages"

Westminster & Life 100.3 Movie Night!

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

March  7TH we welcome LIFE 100.3’s 2020 movie tour to our church featuring the movie Overcomer. Overcomer comes from the Kendrick Brothers who made Fireproof, Courageous and several other great Christian movies.  It’s about a basketball coach who is forced to coach an asthmatic cross country runner, but even more, it’s about where you get your identity and how God puts us in each other’s paths for a reason. Doors open at 6:30 and the movie begins at 7pm.  Come with the whole family and have a great night out!