Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, September 15th we worship and praise God together! He is indeed an amazing, trustworthy God. We will sing (having welcomed back the Adult Choir, and will welcome back the Jr Choir), pray together, learn from God's word (both upstairs and down), and encourage one another. There will be full Sunday School (preschool to high school), and we will have nursery care. During the message, Pastor Ruttan will continue with Part 2 in our new series: 'Contentment: Being at peace in a world of more more more.' This Sunday he will explore Robber #2 who loves to steal your contentment by making you continually compare yourself to others (in person or online) and by thinking too much of the judgments or opinions of others. Our main text will be 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 as we explore the biblical antidote. Let's honour God powerfully together!

5th Annual Golf Tournament

Innisbrook Golf Course

Join us for our fifth annual golf tournament at Innisbrook Golf Course!  This event is a great way to support our church while spending time with your family & friends. We play a "best ball" game that allows for everyone from beginner to experienced to enjoy the game. We will begin registration at 1pm and golfers will start going out at 1:57.  Following our golf game we will enjoy fellowship in the clubhouse while viewing and bidding on some great silent auction prizes.  Reception, Dinner and Silent Auction to follow the golf in the Innisbrook clubhouse at 7pm. TICKETS - $100.00 FOR GOLF, $30.00 FOR DINNER ONLY Tickets available at the church office.  


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday September 22nd, we will gather together to worship & sing praises to our incredible God. This Sunday is Part 3 in our series, 'Contentment - Being at peace in a world of more more more.' Pastor Ruttan will expose Robber #3 who tries to steal our contentment and peace by distracting us from our true purpose in life. The antidote is biblical, practical, and even supported by modern research! Let's keep journeying together. There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope to see you there!


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday September 29th, we will gather together to worship our incredible God. This week Pastor Ruttan will lead us in Part 4 of the 'Contentment' series with an exploration of Matthew 6:25-34. It's one of Jesus' most beloved teachings ("Do not worry about your life...Do not worry about tomorrow...") Something people often miss in this passage is two principles which, when cultivated and understood, increase your contentment and peace in a world of more more more. Make no mistake: Robber #4 tries to steal your peace by making you WORRY. (Can you relate?) Let's explore the antidote together!" There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope you can join us!


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday October 6th, we will gather together to worship our incredible God. Pastor Ruttan will lead the service and starts a new 4 part series called "Crop".  Part 1 is based on this text from Mark 4: "14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them."   If you want a brief introduction to the message you can watch this short video. It's Communion, & we'll also have the special financial appeal for the Deacon's Fund. There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope you can join us


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday October 13th, Thanksgiving Sunday, we will gather together as a church family to give thanks to God for all that he has provided. Pastor Ruttan will lead the service.  We'll continue with our new series called "Crop," an in-depth look at Jesus' parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20. In short, the "seed" in the parable is God's word to us, and the different kinds of soil correspond to our hearts. Are we receptive and will we bear a crop that honours him and gives other hope with the legacy of our lives? On Sunday we'll look closely at these two verses which discuss the 2nd kind of soil: "Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away." There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope to see you there!


Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday October 20th, we will gather together as a church family to praise our incredible God. Cathy Clark will lead our service during Pastor Ruttan’s vacation week.  Her message “Lessons from the Labyrinth” is based on Psalm 99, the Holiness of God. There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope to see you there!

Autumn Luncheon

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Join us on Wednesday, October 23rd at 12pm for a lovely luncheon to celebrate fall and give thanks for all that we are blessed with.  There will be plenty of food and fellowship! You will enjoy fresh baking, sandwiches and desserts galore!  The price is $15.00 for adults and children are free. Tickets will be available in the Fellowship Hall after church on Sundays and in the church office during office hours.  Call 705-728-0541 to reserve your tickets Tue - Fri 9am - 12pm. All proceeds will go to support the work of the church. For more information speak to Ann Macklem or call the church.    



Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday October 27th, we will gather as God's people to honour his name! We will sing, worship, pray, encourage one another, and learn (upstairs and down). Pastor Ruttan will return to lead worship and will offer Part 3 in the current "Crop" series, an in-depth exploration of Jesus' Parable of the Sower. He'll explore the third possible response to the message of and about Jesus, which he describes in Mark 4:18-19 as "seed sown among thorns" who "hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful." What does he mean by this? And how can we avoid the word being chocked out of our lives making us unfruitful? Also, during the kids' time, he'll share a video with everything that was put on the Gratitude Wall! There will be nursery care and the full Sunday School will be in operation.  Hope to see you there!


Pie Wood Fired PIzza 34 Commerce Park Drive, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our 2019 ASC continues with our second fall dinner meeting on Friday November 1st. at 6:30pm. Our October gathering resulted in 23 attendees, some members who have been around for a while, some new and a couple of people from outside Westminster. Our dinner location is: PIE Barrie South End 34 Commerce Park Dr, 705 725 9663. Everyone is most welcome to join us and to bring their friends. The reservation is in the name of 'Westminster'.  Please contact Gayle Atkinson 705 627 9790 (vmail or text) or David and Linda Holloway 705-722-4032 no later than Wednesday Oct. 30th  at noon, if you would like to participate. Please call the restaurant after this deadline to make any changes.  Thanks!