Sunday July 18, 2021

On Sunday, July 18th we worship God as his children. We continue with our YouTube live-stream, and also with the limited in-person gathering (by pre-registration).   Pastor Ruttan will take a break from Acts to focus us on avoiding the post-pandemic crash. How can we re-emerge from a pandemic in a way that is faithful and healthy, especially in a season which will be more uncertain than people anticipate, and when many people are, well... not doing very well. Among other things, we need to be deliberate about our spiritual practices. Psalm 116 will be our text.   We will sing songs, pray together, and centre ourselves on the only One who is above the storm Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday July 25, 2021

Live Stream

On Sunday, July 25 at 10:01am EST we worship on the live-stream (and with a limited in-person group; pre-registration necessary). There will be lots of singing! The Scripture is Acts 16:16-34 where we learn about Paul and Silas singing to God WHILE IN PRISON. Not only do hymns and songs of faith buoy us, but they are a powerful witness and teaching tool to and for others. Let's SING (with additional personal favourites), pray, learn from God's word, and grow together. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Service – August 1

On Sunday, August 1st at 10:01am EST we worship on the live-stream (and with a limited in-person group; pre-registration necessary). Pastor Ruttan continues our journey through Acts and Paul’s famous speech in Athens where his teachings are called “strange.” And yet, he is effective. Have you ever been called strange for your faith? What if that wasn’t such a bad thing? We will sing to God’s glory, pray together, learn a new memory verse, and have an update with our journey through the New City Catechism. We honour the Lord as his people.

Sunday August 1, 2021

Live Stream

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) More information for Sunday service coming soon. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream    

Sunday August 8, 2021

Live Stream

On Sunday, August 8th we worship at 10:01am (EST) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required).   Pastor Ruttan will take us through a final story in Acts and lands on Jesus' famous words: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." What does it actually mean to be blessed (it's more beautiful than you think), and why is it more blessed to give than to receive? How do Jesus' words enrich each of us (and the people around us) as people of refreshment?   We will sing hymns and praise songs, pray together (with the help of Henna Kim), and learn about a faith-at-home resource for the entirety of August. Let's enter God's throne room together! Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday August 15, 2021

Live Stream

On Sunday, August 15th we worship at 10:01am (EDT) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). We welcome guest speaker Jeff Walther as he guides us using 1st Thessalonians 5:16 – 17 to remind us that “Attitude Determines Altitude – Reach Higher”.  Jeff will highlight how important our attitude is on our lives (here’s a hint, VERY), and what the Bible has to say about it. We will sing hymns and praise songs, pray together, and worship the living God. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

August 22, 2021

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) Welcome guest speaker, Wesminster member, Elder, Musician, MDiv, RVH Chaplin and more Cathy Clark, this Sunday at 10:01 a.m.  Praying for others often comes easy, but praying through our own fierce storms is often much harder than we expect it will be when we are sailing along on calm waters. Grab your gospel armour swords as we journey together deep into the heart of personal prayer. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday August 29, 2021

Live Stream

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) More information for Sunday service coming soon. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Worship – September 5, 2021

Live Stream

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) On Sunday, September 5th we worship at 10:01am (EDT) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). Be honest.  Ever take your eyes off the road or listen with one ear?  That usually leads to problems. On Sunday, we welcome back Jeff Walther as he takes us back to a historic week in 1970 to think about the life and death importance of “focus”. We will sing, we will pray and we will focus on the one that matters most, Jesus. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Worship – September 12, 2021

Live Stream

Radiance... On Sunday, September 12th, we will worship our living and loving God! We worship at 10:01am on the live-stream, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). Pastor Ruttan returns from vacation to begin a new series on the book of Hebrews: "Radiance." We will sing, pray together, learn a new faith-at-home focus from Laura Ruttan, and be encouraged. Pastor Ruttan will also share details about our additional outdoor services beginning Sept 19th. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream