Sunday August 8, 2021

Live Stream

On Sunday, August 8th we worship at 10:01am (EST) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required).   Pastor Ruttan will take us through a final story in Acts and lands on Jesus' famous words: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." What does it actually mean to be blessed (it's more beautiful than you think), and why is it more blessed to give than to receive? How do Jesus' words enrich each of us (and the people around us) as people of refreshment?   We will sing hymns and praise songs, pray together (with the help of Henna Kim), and learn about a faith-at-home resource for the entirety of August. Let's enter God's throne room together! Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday August 15, 2021

Live Stream

On Sunday, August 15th we worship at 10:01am (EDT) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). We welcome guest speaker Jeff Walther as he guides us using 1st Thessalonians 5:16 – 17 to remind us that “Attitude Determines Altitude – Reach Higher”.  Jeff will highlight how important our attitude is on our lives (here’s a hint, VERY), and what the Bible has to say about it. We will sing hymns and praise songs, pray together, and worship the living God. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

August 22, 2021

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) Welcome guest speaker, Wesminster member, Elder, Musician, MDiv, RVH Chaplin and more Cathy Clark, this Sunday at 10:01 a.m.  Praying for others often comes easy, but praying through our own fierce storms is often much harder than we expect it will be when we are sailing along on calm waters. Grab your gospel armour swords as we journey together deep into the heart of personal prayer. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday August 29, 2021

Live Stream

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) More information for Sunday service coming soon. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Worship – September 5, 2021

Live Stream

Currently we are running online services with limited in person seats available (pre-registration is required) On Sunday, September 5th we worship at 10:01am (EDT) via YouTube, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). Be honest.  Ever take your eyes off the road or listen with one ear?  That usually leads to problems. On Sunday, we welcome back Jeff Walther as he takes us back to a historic week in 1970 to think about the life and death importance of “focus”. We will sing, we will pray and we will focus on the one that matters most, Jesus. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Worship – September 12, 2021

Live Stream

Radiance... On Sunday, September 12th, we will worship our living and loving God! We worship at 10:01am on the live-stream, and also with our limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required). Pastor Ruttan returns from vacation to begin a new series on the book of Hebrews: "Radiance." We will sing, pray together, learn a new faith-at-home focus from Laura Ruttan, and be encouraged. Pastor Ruttan will also share details about our additional outdoor services beginning Sept 19th. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Sunday Worship – September 19th 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On the morning of Sunday, September 19th at 10:01am via live-stream and limited in-person gathering (pre-registration required), we will celebrate the greatness of Jesus! We'll do this with song, prayer, and with the second installment of our series on Hebrews called "Radiance." It is also the first Sunday of our additional outdoor 3:30pm family-friendly worship service. It will be 40-minute long, include a short Sunday School component, and be held on the front lawn and parking lot! Please click here to read the full blog and explanation. Find us online at 10:01 a.m. via YouTube Live-Stream

Worship Sunday September 26

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

When we're struggling with something, we tend to be more open to advice or help from people who have "been there." Since they've walked a mile in our shoes, we trust that what they have to say will make a meaningful difference to us. So far in the Radiance series, we've been talking about the supremacy and divinity of Jesus. But on Sunday, September 26th during worship we'll talk about how Jesus was also fully human just like us. Hebrews 2:18 says: "Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." We'll talk about how. We will also sing songs of uplifting faith, pray in gratitude and for our urgent needs, and honour the Lord who not only makes but saves us. The 10:01am service is live-streamed and continues with our limited in-person service (pre-registration required) At 3:30pm we will also have our additional outdoor, 40-minute family-friendly service with Sunday School. Pre-registration is not required. Please only come if you are well, and be sure to read this post before you come. Bring a chair! It is good to be together. Join us live - stream on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Sunday Worship, October 3, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Purpose. Value. Hope. Did you realize that as followers of Jesus we are God's house "if we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope"? This speaks not only about our purpose, but the incalculable value and hope each of us have! On Sunday, October 3rd, Pastor Ruttan will explore this idea with Hebrews 3:1-6. We will sing songs to God, pray, learn, and also celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on this World Communion Sunday. The 10:01am service is live-streamed and remains pre-registration only for in-person attendance. If you will be at home, have your juice/wine and bread ready. For those in-person, carefully prepared juice and bread will be given to you as you come in. We will celebrate Communion early in the service. There will also be the Q and A Forum after the service. As previously announced we will continue with our informal 3:30pm outdoor service and Sunday School in the front lot. We will also celebrate Communion at that time.   Let's honour the Lord together. Join us at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube.

Sunday Worship, October 10, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

When you have something good to look forward to, it softens the blow of what you're currently going through.   Sunday, October 10th is Thanksgiving Sunday. We worship the living God at 10:01am (live stream and limited in-person -- pre-registration required) and at 3:30pm (outside casual with Sunday School, no pre-registration required).   We will sing songs of gratitude, enjoy some special music, learn our new memory verse, and explore Hebrews 4:1-13 in the Radiance series. Having something good to look forward to -- in this case, the eternal rest which God promises his people -- helps us persevere through our hardships, and also refreshes us in the here and now in some critical ways.   Let's honour the Lord with thanks-giving!   Join every Sunday at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube