Sunday Worship – November 28, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Advent begins! Sunday, November 28th is the first Sunday in Advent. It's a word which means "coming," referring to the coming of Christ. We will praise God, light the candle of hope, have the final message in the Radiance series on Hebrews, and sing, pray and encourage one another. The service is live-streamed on YouTube, and we continue with a limited in-person group (pre-registration required). This Sunday would also have been our LAST outdoor casual service at 3:30pm. It was a trial (from September 19 to Nov 28). However, with below zero temperatures and 70% chance of snow we're going to cancel it. (Winter came earlier than expected!) Christ is the light coming into the world -- let's honour him, and focus on what matters most, as we worship God. Join every Sunday at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube

Sunday Worship – December 5, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, December 5th we worship the living God on the 2nd Sunday in Advent. Music Director Jenn Harris and Pastor Ruttan are feeling better! :) Thank you for all the prayers! We sing, pray and light the candle of peace. Pastor Ruttan will lead us through Communion (if you're at home, have your bread and wine and/or juice ready), and the coordinator of our small groups and home church initiative, Henna Kim, will preach a message on an enigmatic text: Ezekiel 17:1-24. Laura Ruttan will join in for the kids' time, and we will have the Q and A Forum after the service. As is our custom on Communion Sundays, you are invited to share a financial offering for the Deacon's Fund, a fund which helps those struggling inside and outside the church. It is also the first drop-off day for our Toy Drive. We honour our coming King! Join every Sunday at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube

Sunday Worship – December 12, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

We light the candle of joy on the third Sunday in Advent, December 12th. We continue singing the songs of Advent, praying, and learning from God's word as Pastor Ruttan provides a wrap-up message on the book of Hebrews called "Hit the light." The service is limited in-person (pre-registration) or via YouTube. Your gifts to for the Mitten Tree will also be received. These are hats/mittens/scarves for the David Busby Centre. If you're not there in person, you are invited to give via etransfer or through the app. We seek to be generous since God has been so generous with us! It is also the last day to drop off items for our Toy Drive (target ages: 0-2, 15-21). And don't forget the Drive-Thru Bethlehem hosted by our Sunday School and youth from 2-3pm! Join every Sunday at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube

Sunday Worship – December 19, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Hope is Born Again! Things are really different right now, Christmas is different, our celebrations are different.  There is so much doom and gloom in the world and it is so easy to get discouraged.  BUT one thing never changes, and that is the hope that we have in Jesus. Let’s join together on Sunday, December 19 (limited in-person or online) for our 10:01 am service, as we are reminded of and can celebrate our Hope in song. Our choir cantata will be performed both virtually featuring choir members from last December and live with our smaller, socially distanced and masked in-person choir. Celebrate the joyful news - "HOPE is born again!" We will also light the candle of love and sing many favourite Christmas carols. It will truly be a morning of music and prayer. It is also our White Gift Sunday; this means we will receive donations for the Barrie Food Bank. If you’re not able to drop off anything in person, you can give to the Food Bank through the church smart phone app or by e-transfer. Why is it called “white” gift Sunday? This comes from a tradition of wrapping the donations in white paper, but that is not required. Sunday Morning worship at 10:01 a.m. is live on YouTube or limited in-person seating, reservations are required. Please call the church office (705)728-0541 Join every Sunday at 10:01 a.m. live on YouTube

Christmas Eve Online

This year things are… different. And yet, God remains the same yesterday, today and forever. We rejoice in that and celebrate his unchanging love which has come to us in Jesus Christ! Update on Tuesday, December 21st: Under the most recent set of pandemic guidelines, it would have been permissible to hold outdoor religious services. However, in light of the Omicron variant, a desire to be cautious, and an increasing desire on the part of many to stay at home if possible, we are cancelling the two outdoor services and moving to an online only format for Christmas Eve. Here is what to expect: The service will be uploaded to YouTube here by 6pm on December 24th. It will include carols, Scripture, prayers, a video montage of the recent Drive-Thru Bethlehem put on by our Sunday School and youth, a timely message called “Do not be afraid,” and singing carols in the dark. We will also light the Christ Candle and complete our nativity scene. Here is a short video that gives you a glimpse, and which you can also share online! Every year on Christmas Eve we receive a financial offering and give 100% of it away to a worthy cause. This year you are invited to make a financial donation to either our Camp Fund or to Youth Haven. This can be done through etransfer or through our church app. You could also send in a cheque if you prefer. We hope to continually bless others, and this is a great way to do that in a way that will bless and help many young people in the year ahead. As we all navigate difficult and uncertain territory, let’s persevere in Christ, honouring his birth in worship and service wherever we can and however we can!  

Sunday Worship – December 26, 2021

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

More information coming soon. Limited in person services by reservation only. Call (705)728-0541 Join us live on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Sunday Worship – January 2, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

More information coming soon. Limited in- person seating by reservation only. Please call (705)728-0541 Join us LIVE on YouTube at 10:01 a.m.

Worship Sunday January 9, 2022

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, January 9 we worship the living Lord at 10:01am. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5). That's our memory verse for this month and we seek to receive and experience that truth. The service will be available on YouTube only at 10:01am. Pastor Ruttan will begin a new teaching series on John's Gospel, we will sing and pray, and Laura Ruttan will share our next faith-at-home focus. Find us on our YouTube page here Sunday at 10:01 a.m. 

Worship Sunday January 16, 2022

Pre Recorded on YouYube

Jesus came "full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). Not grace and no truth, and not truth and no grace -- but both. If we want to be "like Jesus" are we growing in both grace and truth, or do we tend to favour one over the other? This is some of what we explore as worship the living God on Sunday, January 16th (via YouTube) at 10:01am EST. We will praise God with song, go to him in prayer, learn a new faith-at-home Bible focus, and receive the encouragement and hope we all need at a time like this! You can find our services Sunday mornings at 10:01 a.m. on our YouTube Page here.

Worship Sunday January 23, 2022

Pre Recorded on YouYube

John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit. As we continue through John's Gospel, Pastor Ruttan will help us reflect on how the Holy Spirit might be working through us in this confusing and challenging time. We will get into God's word, we will sing hymns and praise songs, and we will pray, learn a new faith-at-home focus, and be REFRESHED in God! Please find our morning worship at 10:01 a.m. on our YouTube page here.