Afraid no more
Fear is everywhere. We can be afraid of death, afraid of being alone, afraid of criticism, afraid of suffering, afraid of evil, afraid for our families, afraid of the future, afraid for our future, afraid...
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Fear is everywhere. We can be afraid of death, afraid of being alone, afraid of criticism, afraid of suffering, afraid of evil, afraid for our families, afraid of the future, afraid for our future, afraid...
Throughout history, many people have claimed to hear God’s voice. Prophets certainly did. Madmen with Messiah complexes leading people into the desert to die did not. Having just told us that he is the Good...
“Live your best life now!” That’s a fairly popular modern slogan. In fact, Jesus said something that (some people think) sounds kind of similar: “I came that they have may have life and have it...
A national poll asked: “If you could ask God only one question and you knew he would give you an answer, what would you ask?” The most popular response was this: “Why is there pain...
You’re about to go through a storm. But you can choose which ship to sail in. The captain in boat number one isn’t very experienced. But the captain in boat number two has an incredible...
Jesus calls the Devil the “father of lies.” Those are weighty words! How seriously do we take the battle between truth and deception? If you think your life is a playground when it’s really a battleground...