Where is God in a pandemic?
In his message this week, Pastor Ruttan addressed the question: ‘Where is God in a pandemic?’ It’s a big one, and incredibly significant at this point in our lives. We may not know everything about...
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In his message this week, Pastor Ruttan addressed the question: ‘Where is God in a pandemic?’ It’s a big one, and incredibly significant at this point in our lives. We may not know everything about...
On Easter Sunday at 10:01am we gathered via the live-stream for a joyful and celebratory service. Christ is risen! Our service was uplifting and joyful. There was special music from both the junior choir and...
On Good Friday at 10:01am we gathered via the live-stream for a reflective service of singing, prayer, Scripture, and some special music. Pastor Ruttan shared the message “If Good Friday is the day Jesus was...
On Sunday, April 5th, Palm Sunday, we gathered virtually on the live-stream to worship and praise our awesome God! Palm Sunday is when we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as King the week before his...
The theme of the service Sunday March 29th was “your weapons in the war against fear.” Let’s be honest. There’s a lot of fear out there right now. So our prayers, music, and Pastor Ruttan’s...
Do you feel like many aspects of your life right now are out of control? Things seem to change daily in a pandemic. We’re uncertain about our activities, our investments, our well-being — the list...