Does it choke it or stoke it?
In Mark 4:18-19 Jesus warns us about three “thorns” that can choke our faith and lives, making them unfruitful. Yikes! They are (a) the worries of this life, (b) the deceitfulness of wealth, and (c)...
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In Mark 4:18-19 Jesus warns us about three “thorns” that can choke our faith and lives, making them unfruitful. Yikes! They are (a) the worries of this life, (b) the deceitfulness of wealth, and (c)...
This week Cathy Clark lead our service during Pastor Ruttan’s vacation week. Her message “Lessons from the Labyrinth” was based on Psalm 99, the Holiness of God. Cathy Clark is a graduate of Tyndale Seminary,...
This week, Pastor Ruttan continued with our new series called “Crop,” an in-depth look at Jesus’ parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20. In short, the “seed” in the parable is God’s word to us,...
The message this week was Pastor Ruttan’s 4th and final message of the ‘Contentment’ series. He explored Matthew 6:25-34. It’s one of Jesus’ most beloved teachings (“Do not worry about your life…Do not worry about...
This Sunday was Part 3 in our series, ‘Contentment – Being at peace in a world of more more more.’ Pastor Ruttan exposed Robber #3 who tries to steal our contentment and peace by distracting...