Follow the Light [Sermon]

Follow the Light [Sermon]
The Word at Westminster
The Word at Westminster
Follow the Light [Sermon]

Do you feel surrounded by uncertainty, darkness and danger? So did the ancient Hebrews. To you Jesus says: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Yes, it’s inspiring. There’s also more in that statement than meets the eye — including some background context to an ancient festival which would have given weight and meaning to his words; the directive to “follow” him (instead of just “watching” him); and the promise that those who do will “have the light of life.”

This sermon on John 8:12-30 explores these themes and offers practical encouragement to “follow the light.”

The light might not always take you where you want to go; but it will take you where you need to go.


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