Q & A Forum (June 12, 2022)

by Westminster

In this episode, Pastor Ruttan answers the following three questions after a quarterly feature after worship called the Q and A Forum:
1) “In the Lord’s Prayer, it says: ‘Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’ Would God lead us into temptation, so that we need to ask him not to?”
2) “It used to be called Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia. I guess it still is, but now more people are calling it MAID (medical assistance in dying). More people seem to be choosing this. Does the Bible speak about this so we have some guidance about these issues?”
3) “Can you explain the differences between a secular worldview and a biblical world view? I know this is a huge subject, but with churches becoming more ‘progressive’ it is getting more difficult to know how to differentiate truth from subjectivity as we strive to demonstrate the love of Christ.”
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