
Nov 2022

How would you define success? Is it accumulating money, influence, beauty or power? Well, of course not. We wouldn’t admit that — at least not out loud. There’s a phrase that people use: “the ladder of success.” Imaging climbing up that ladder, and then imagine climbing through a window at the top of that ladder. After all, a ladder leans on something, doesn’t it? What if that ladder led......

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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

People and families in our church, our community and across the country are about to experience one of the most difficult financial climates in many years. Local organizations such as the Food Bank and...

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Light Locations

Light Locations

The idea of “light” comes up a lot in the Bible, but not in a flick-the-switch kind of way. “Light” is a metaphor for the wisdom, guidance, goodness and blessing of God. Sounds nice....

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Can we earn heaven?

This was one of the questions in a recent Q & A Forum at Westminster after worship. You can now listen to the answer in the latest episode of our podcast, The Word at...

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Crying Like Jesus

W.W.J.D. is a popular acronym that originated in the 1990’s. The “what would Jesus do” movement encouraged people to be “like Jesus.” When we think about being “like Jesus” what usually comes to mind?...

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Understanding Baptism

Understanding Baptism

This podcast explains the meaning of baptism, and also who we baptize at Westminster Church. It also provides the rationale. If you’d like to read the text version (and have access to the full...

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Afraid no more

Fear is everywhere. We can be afraid of death, afraid of being alone, afraid of criticism, afraid of suffering, afraid of evil, afraid for our families, afraid of the future, afraid for our future,...

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