
Feb 2022
The source and security of our dignity (Sermon)

It’s one of his most popular miracles: turning water into wine! But why would he do it? Who is impacted? What do the seven “signs” in John’s Gospel teach us? And does any of this relate to our worth and value as people in a world which can so easily disrupt our dignity, and at a time when many are experiencing the spiral of exhaustion. When we are exhausted......

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Your Divine D.N.A. (Sermon)

Your Divine D.N.A. (Sermon)

We tend to downplay (or misunderstand) what it means to be adopted by God. It is actually a new special status of incomprehensible value that you do not have outside of faith in Christ....

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Guard your heart (Sermon)

Guard your heart (Sermon)

Although much is uncertain, God is certain. You’re less likely to get knocked off centre, if you’re properly centred. That’s why we need to “guard our hearts” in him (with vigilance). In this sermon...

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Do Not Be Afraid (Sermon)

Do Not Be Afraid (Sermon)

We are living in a time of upheaval, a stampede of fear. In this concise Christmas Eve message Pastor Ruttan looks at Luke 2: 8-14 and explains how fear retreats when Christ advances.

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The Christmas Story Re-Examined

The Christmas Story Re-Examined

What if you’ve never truly heard the story you’ve heard a hundred times? In this podcast episode Pastor Ruttan goes in-depth with Luke 2:1-20 and explores these ancient towns, the threat of scandal, political...

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