
Apr 2023
Words from Nena LaMarre

Last week we commissioned Nena LaMarre, our new music director. Pastor Ruttan asked her two questions during the service – how she became a Christian and what the roll is of music in worship. Her answers were genuine and heart-felt. We praise God for your faithfulness Nena!...

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Ordinary Missionary (Sermon)

When we think of a missionary we usually think of someone going to serve in another country to spread the message of Jesus or help with a charitable project. But all of Jesus’ followers...

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No pain, no gain (Sermon)

No pain, no gain (Sermon)

Two young boys cut their hands before a handshake. It’s a sign of their bond with one another. We could also call it a covenant. They are now “blood brothers.” We too are in...

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Tradition or Traditionalism? (Sermon)

Tradition or Traditionalism? (Sermon)

All of us have certain traditions which are meaningful to us. When it comes to our faith, there are traditions surrounding Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, our devotional habits, and weekly worship too....

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Bleedership (Sermon)

Bleedership (Sermon)

Leadership is desperately needed in our world. When we think of a “leader,” we usually think of someone in an official capacity, like a coach, boss, Prime Minister or President. But Jesus’ people are...

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