Sermons by Claude Cox

Enjoy Your Streams

Enjoy Your Streams

Speaker: | August 27, 2024

In Pastor Ruttan’s absence (he is away on vacation), Claude Cox led us in a message titled ‘Enjoy your streams’. The scripture focus was Psalm 1.

Oneness with God

Oneness with God

Speaker: | August 21, 2023

On Sunday August 20th, as Pastor Ruttan was away on his annual vacation, special guest Claude Cox led our service and shared a message inspired by Psalm 85:10. “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness...

What was Paul becoming in Arabia? Something.

What was Paul becoming in Arabia? Something.

Speaker: | August 23, 2020

Our message this week was based on Galatians 1:11–24. Rev. Cox, who returned to lead our service while Pastor Ruttan is on vacation, shared some thoughts about our being in the wilderness for a while,...

Lord, see us through this time of trouble

Lord, see us through this time of trouble

Speaker: | August 16, 2020

Rev. Cox’s text this week was based on Matthew 6:9–13 – The Lord’s Prayer. He focused on the line that says, “lead us not into trial.” Or, “temptation.” 9 “Therefore pray in this manner: Our Father...