Costly, Whole-Hearted Devotion
If you follow Jesus you are different. In 1961, 96% of people in our country identified as Christian. No longer. “No Religion” is now the second largest ‘religious’ category. And while you can’t read too...
Living an abundant life
“Live your best life now!” That’s a fairly popular modern slogan. In fact, Jesus said something that (some people think) sounds kind of similar: “I came that they have may have life and have it...
What God can do through you is greater
A national poll asked: “If you could ask God only one question and you knew he would give you an answer, what would you ask?” The most popular response was this: “Why is there pain...
My Captain, My Ship
You’re about to go through a storm. But you can choose which ship to sail in. The captain in boat number one isn’t very experienced. But the captain in boat number two has an incredible...
The Truth Makes Your Life Better
Jesus calls the Devil the “father of lies.” Those are weighty words! How seriously do we take the battle between truth and deception? If you think your life is a playground when it’s really a battleground...
Freed to serve
“The truth will set you free.” So said Jesus. So powerful are these words that they continue to be posted above courthouses and libraries. They connect with a deep-down human urge to be free, whether...
Follow the Light
Do you feel surrounded by uncertainty, darkness and danger? So did the ancient Hebrews. To you Jesus says: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will...
Grace opens doors
People are hungry for grace. But grace is one of those things we can take for granted. So what is it, and what does it do to us and through us? The woman caught in...
In a new and uncertain era, what is our stronghold and purpose?
Mark Sayers makes the case that we are at the start of a new era. When you look back on human history you can see how one era gives way to another. The early 1500’s...
The H.A.L.O. Response
Jesus said “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (John 7:24). We know to not judge by appearances. We might struggle with it sometimes, but we know it makes sense. Never judge...