As Iron Sharpens Iron: The Most Famous Proverbs, Part 2

A college student was struggling. She was stressed and homesick. As she walked around the campus some words popped into her head: cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.
It was a key moment. She sought out some help and started the journey to getting re-connected with God. Where did those words come from? The Bible. They had been lodged somewhere in her mind from when she had attended Sunday School.
Proverbs are short statements to help you live wisely daily. As Andy Stanley says, “memorable is portable.” These statements stay with you through the ups and downs of life and can come into your mind at just the right time to provide help or hope.
This sermon is Part 2 in a short series on the most famous proverbs. Pastor Ruttan highlights 16 more verses and encourages us to uncover the principle that is at work in each of them, and also how God can use them for good.
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