Help When it Hurts, Part 2
This week Pastor Ruttan continued the series: “Help When it Hurts” with Part 2.
“Hurts. They happen. To all of us. In fact, the only people who haven’t experienced some kind of hurt in their lives are those who have yet to be born! And even though none of us are offered a free pass in life, God does promise his presence and help through the pain.
That’s what our current teaching series is all about: “Help When It Hurts.” In Part 1 on June 9 we explored how walking with God and walking with God’s people can help us through our difficulties. [If you missed it, click here to listen.] In Part 2 he explored something else that helps us when we’re hurting, focusing on having a purpose in the midst of our hurts and the big difference that makes — i.e. having a godly purpose in your life offsets the pain in your life.
Have a listen and don’t forget to come back for Part 3.
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