How did Jesus define greatness?

How did Jesus define greatness?

The word “great” is used a lot. “Make Canada Great Again” (or America or Europe). It’s not only used of nations, but people. “So-and-so is great.”

But what do we mean by that? How do we define greatness? If our definition isn’t biblical, we tend to absorb the perspective of our surrounding culture (which seems inclined to define it in ways that are, shall we say, not so great).

In this sermon on Mark 9:33-50 (also released as a podcast episode), we unpack a story about this very topic. The disciples had been arguing about who was greatest. Jesus responds by providing a biblical definition we are wise to adopt today.

Jesus’ definition of greatness is something which needs to be rediscovered in every era and which never grows old. “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”

The handout referenced in this sermon can be accessed by clicking here.


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