Mature People Mature People
This week, Pastor Ruttan offered Part 3 in the “Mature” series. He continued to take us through Philippians 2:19 – 3:21. So far we have discovered that mature people take Christian fellowship seriously and choose humility. This Sunday we zeroed-in on the value of learning from other Christian leaders that God has placed in our lives. Once explained, we saw how God can encourage, strengthen and direct us through certain leaders in our lives.
Some of the notable quotes he shared with us;
- Bob Pittman, founder and former president of MTV: “The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you’ve got ‘em… At MTV we don’t shoot for the 14-year-olds, we own them.”
- Justin Bieber: “I had really bad examples of Christians in my life who would say one thing and do another, so they were there my direct example of who Jesus was. I didn’t take it as seriously because I didn’t have good examples”
- Justin Bieber: “I’m very grateful to have influences in my life that have played a huge part in me seeing their relationship with Jesus, and their relationship with their wives and their relationship with their kids and saying, ‘that’s what I want, and I’m striving after that.’”
Watch or listen to this message to discover how “Mature People Mature People”.
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