
Professor Michael Mangis writes: “The human heart is constantly tempted to live under the illusion that things are fine just the way they are.” But, of course, things are not fine just the way they are.
Over the past few years, we’ve experienced a certain kind of trauma. It’s time for healing, and a key component of that healing is realignment with God. There’s no better time to do that than on Christmas Eve.
At the candlelit service Pastor Ruttan reflected on Luke 2:1-20 and four correctives it provides to our thinking. These correctives challenge unhelpful or faulty ways of thinking and realign us with the light of Christ and the good which God intends for our lives.
Jen Wilkin says: “It is not new truths we need; but old truths recently forgotten.” So true. Realignment begins with God as the healer of souls.
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