Seeking Serious Answers to Serious Questions

Seeking Serious Answers to Serious Questions

People are seeking. They’re seeking serious answers to serious questions.

A child wonders if God sees the pain of other children in faraway countries. A wife lays beside her husband as he dies and wonders why love hurts so much. People all over the world wonder if God has a plan for their lives or how they know if they’re on the right track.

There is a temptation to shrug and to downplay or trivialize these questions. But Jesus doesn’t.

This sermon on John 12:20-26 explores what happens when Greeks approach Philip and say, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” They get more than they bargained for.

We unpack Jesus’ words, and zero-in on three points to consider and apply as we — and the people we care about — seek serious answers to serious questions.


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