The Kind of Worshiper God Wants

The Kind of Worshiper God Wants

What do you seek? The weekend, a raise, new friends, losing 10 pounds? God actually seeks “true worshipers.” Are you among them? He seeks those who worship him “in the Spirit and in truth.”

We worship God because God deserves it. But a less-discussed element of worship is one of it’s benefits: Sunday’s worship propels us into Monday in the right way — or, at least, it can. And no, we’re not talking about our style of worship, but our inner attitude and posture before God.

How you worship impacts how you live.

This sermon from March 20, 2022 takes us through John 4:1-26 and Jesus’ talk with the Samaritan woman. They discuss what it means to have “living water” and also what it means to worship “in the Spirit and in truth.”

It is called “The kind of worshiper God wants.”

The extra background content that goes along with this same section of text as a part of ‘The Pulse Podcast with Matthew Ruttan’ can be accessed here.


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