The source of our security and dignity

It’s one of his most popular miracles: turning water into wine!
But why would he do it? Who is impacted? What do the seven “signs” in John’s Gospel teach us?
And does any of this relate to our worth and value as people in a world which can so easily disrupt our dignity, and at a time when many are experiencing the spiral of exhaustion. When we are exhausted we can doubt who we are, question our identity, and become more susceptible to untruth. To that the word of God says, “No!” The source and security of our dignity is Christ our King.
Jesus carried the groom of Cana from disgrace to dignity; he gives the same gift to us.
This sermon takes us through this well-known miracle in John 2:1-12.
You can access the video or audio version of this sermon by the buttons provided in this post. In addition, Pastor Ruttan has been providing additional background to Bible passage that goes along with this sermon as a part of ‘The Pulse Podcast with Matthew Ruttan.’ You can hear that extra content by clicking here.
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