The Two Ways

Every day we are faced with choices. Lots of choices. I’ve heard that the total number of variations in just the first 10 moves of a chess game are 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000. Wow! Life can seem like that. Lots of choices, lots of outcomes.
Psalm one foregrounds the importance of a single solitary choice. Will you choose the way of the righteous or the way of the wicked? Well, of course we’re going to choose the way of the righteous. But what does that mean? And is it even possible if we continually sin and mess up?
This sermon is the start of a teaching series on the most famous psalms. It looks at Psalm 1. It unpacks the text and provides five applications for our lives today.
James Mays explains the importance of these decisions. “Life is at stake.” It sure is. But there’s good news for weary or wobbly pilgrims: the way of the righteous is about a direction, not perfection.
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